ZACHARY, La. – The grocery store camera caught the woman putting a 24-can case of beer between her thighs, pulling her dress back down and shuffling out of the store. But it took a while to identify and find her.
The woman, 42, didn’t deny anything when she was arrested Monday, said Capt. David McDavid of the Zachary Police Department. “She wanted to demonstrate it …” he said. “I told her, no thanks, I wasn’t into that.”
She was booked into the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison on a theft charge, he said.
“We weighed a case,” he said. “It was 20 pounds.”
The theft was Aug. 22. McDavid said police learned the woman’s identity last week and located her Monday afternoon.
Thanks DJ
PBR she can have it
We need pictures…
She was trying to get her 19 kids a beer!
Maybe she misunderstood her ob/gyn when he told her to come in for a Pabst test.
You leave me in smears.
W I H I ?
LOL @ Scott. He’s done it it again!
Yeah the dr. said it was the worst case he’s ever seen.
Scott – Would you come to my next party?
W I D I ?
No we don’t fit in with that white col-lar crowd
We’re a lit-tle too row-dy and a lit-tle too loud
There’s no place that I’d rather be than right here
With my rednecks white socks and Blue Ribbon beer
This beer smells skunky.