Go Topless Day pics

Patty Cakes and Deborah sent me pics from Go Topless Day festivities.

Warning: NSFW

Click to enlarge

From Patty Cakes taken in Venice CA
Venice1 Venice2 Venice3 Venice4 Venice5 Venice6 Venice7 

A personal picture from Deborah

14 thoughts on “Go Topless Day pics”

  1. YEAH the girl with the pasties(I would bang her anytime) and the one in the white shorts and the one with the bike,DAYUM some of those girls could wake the dead,Deb you are too hot, really good looking babe I wanna see the rest of the pic DAMN IT

  2. No fair! When I was in Venice Beach last year all I got to see was hippies selling crap on blankets by the boardwalk…

  3. Oh yeah.. Im the one with the hot pink top. I don’t have a skinny bod like the other gals but at least my bewbs are bigger than theirs 🙂

  4. Oh My.. In the last photo (Not Deborah’s), that ‘girl’ from the left with the camera in hand, with long black pants.. Do you have her phone number?
    Por Dió, de dónde la sacaron a esa gorda??

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