15 thoughts on “Beached”

  1. Less than a year ago (it was February) I was in the Dominican Republic with a Polish guy named Mark who looked exactly like this on the beach — it could be him! We were both part of a larger party … 6 in all.

    He expanded like a beach ball after every (all inclusive) meal. He just got bigger and bigger during our 4-5 day long stay.

    If he wasn’t eating (rare), then he was drinking (common). I think if you ask him today, he won’t remember being there at all!

    Actually, I just remember sitting in the shade and hoping I didn’t look like that (although, of course, I did — I just kept my shirt on!). No penile sun-tattoos on me! (Thank God.)

  2. The think that really makes it is that he isn’t lying on a towel, just sprawled on the sand like the surf threw him up there.

  3. Yep, the eternal optimist……….Dude thinks getting a tan will help with the babe’s……….Real Men of Genius nominee?


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