Drunk Blogging in Nashville

OK, we made it ti Nashville… which I spelled Nasvulle in the earlier poost and no one corrcted.  You’re all fired!  ( I corrected it nolw)

NotE:  I’m, not re-readibg and correwct typint mistakes)  (OH siht.. I just re-read that last sentence. [I lied… but I din’t corect it…so I half lied.]

What a day!   The forevcast appeared to say we’d make it here between storms.  Thqt lieing sack of shit.  It rain 7 of the 8 hours  we were on the road.  8 frigging hours to get here.  Every time we stopped it would stop rainnibng.  Then as soon as we got back on the bikes it would start raining again.

About 45 minutes  into the trip it starte d to rain, so we pulled under an overpass and put on raingear/  Well, dumshit that I am I forgot to close the latch on the truck thingy on my bike.  Abpout 20 minute later I fet the bike lurch to the left.. . kind of blowing me into another lane.  Then a few secons later it did it again,  It eas kind of windy, but not THAT windy.  Then in my rear-view mirrow I saw this big black thing that’s not normally there.  Either I had picked up a gorilla or I had a problem… eiyther way it’s probably a problem/ Thr trunk lid had been blown up and open by the wind.  Out went (unbeknownst to me)  my $50 Harley shirt (the only long sleebves I brought) which also had my reading glasses in the pocket….. 2 baseball type caps… and one ogf my shoes that I had packed (extra pair).  By the time I noticvd it the afore mentioned items were long gone. 

Any body want a good deal on one shoe… size 13?

I pulled over and closed the lid (after sone work to re-adjust the latching mechanism)…. in the rain.   I still don’t know if that’s all that flew out.

So on we went/    We stopped in Paducah Kentucky for gas and lunch at Arbys;

Of course it stopped raining while we were eating.  Then we got back on thr bikes and the rain returned anew. 

We finnally got to Nashville and our hotel just south of downtown (In somethnig called Music Row).  As I was pulling off my rainsuit in my hotel room, I realized I didn’t have my cell phone.  Just them my wife’s cell  phone rang.  It was her sister.  Someone from the Arby’s in Paducah called her (found her number in my phone) saying they found my cell phone.  I’ll pick it up on the way back thru Paducah tomorrow,

Scotch egg1We changed clothes and went for a walk to find somethnig to eat.  We ended up at McSomethingorother’s Irish Pub where we had a really good meal… or maybe we were just really hungry.   They had Scotch Eggs (which I’ve posted about previously… and I HAD to try)on the menu…. so I HAD to try them.  Not bad.   It helps to have had several beers to wash them down.

We also had fried pickles too.

Fried pickles

Then after several beers at the Irish Pub, we waddled back to our hotle and went to the lounge because we had $1 beer discount coupons to spend.  We had a couple drinks there as we watched a nice young lady sing country songs.  I didn’t catch her name because someone at my table was talkint tooo much.

We returned to our room at 8:40 pm, but it feels like 3 am to me.

Tomorrow we’re off to visit the Opryland hotel before heading home.  The forecast is for rain all the way home.  I hope they’re as wrong about that as they were about todays forecast.  Tomorrow will be a better day… hopefully.

Nite all!

24 thoughts on “Drunk Blogging in Nashville”

  1. I live about 25 minutes south of Nashville in Murfreesboro. I LOVE Opryland hotel..I think you’ll like it too. You’ll have to come back and visit it during Christmas..it’s amazing.

  2. Chelle, I’ve been there before, so just want to show it to friends we’re raveling with. They’ve not been there. We’ll just do a quick walk thru it. Its really neat. Have’t seen it as xmas though.

  3. Jonco,
    I’ve been there. IMO, although Opryland Hotel is pretty, once you look at the large impressive lobby, it’s still just…a hotel. You’re on the west side of town,near Music Row. Even though I don’t care for country music, you are in the Mecca and Medina of that genre. Plus you’re close to the Nashville Parthenon, and several great parks and restaurants. Unless you have tickets for a show at Opryland, IMHO, it’s just a hotel. I suggest you enjoy where you are.
    Things are extremely civil back at the ranch, you have no reason to worry.

  4. Jonco, you make a pretty good drunk. My phone has been ringing off the hook. How in the heck can you lose a cell phone?

  5. KLAW, I have no idea. I had a rain suit on so I think somehow it got unloose from my belt (where it’s normallt atached) and just decided it wanted to stay at Arby’s. I think it defected!

  6. That’s weird…my brother was just in Nashville and when I clicked over and saw the “Drunk Blogging in Nashville” title, I thought I’d clicked his blog by mistake. 🙂

  7. Sound like you went to ‘Bailey’ you should have stopped at ‘Deja Vu’ on the way back to your hotel.

  8. Ah man, I love the Opryland Hotel (and Paducah!) I live about an hour north of Nashvegas, in Bowling Green, KY. Chelle is right – the OH is *beautiful* at Christmas.

  9. If you close one eye while drunk typing it helps quite a bit. 😉

    Never had a fried pickle. Are they battered? On a stick?

  10. Hi Jonco

    We wouldn’t be complaining about the rain – we’re in our 13th year of drought here in Melbourne Australia!

    Sounds like you’re having fun though.

  11. Sounds like you rode out to Mount Vernon, maybe and headed south? My Amish bedroom furniture, heirloom stuff, was made all around Mt. Vernon, Ill. by various crafsmen that piece it together.
    Jonco, please tell me you didn’t lose on of the New Balance pair. If so, they’re No Balance, now. Have you been able to figger out yet if it’s right or left? I have a “ruptured duck” walk from my early days on an auto assembly line (workin one side of the line constantly does that), so I’ll check to see which one of mine wears faster. You let me know. I’m only a 12 wide, so still No Balance. Give ya $5 for a Cinderfella match.

  12. I don’t know if fried pickles hail from Tennessee or Ireland, but I’m going to have to visit one of those places to see for myself. Something that sounds so wrong has to be tried for myself.

    A properly made Scotch egg is great, but it all depends on the quality of the sausage. As does much else in life.

  13. Don’t know whether it’s a leftie or rightie. It’s still on my bike. My brother in law only has one leg, but my feet are 3 sizes too big for him.

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