17 thoughts on “Trippin down Memory Lane?”

    • He looked familiar, but I kept thinking someone who died recently. Besides, I’ve only seen Ledger in Batman (and his performance was phenomenal) and with his make-up how was I to know? Corrected.

  1. Michael should be black. In Heaven, they hit the reset switch on you to reset to “normal”.

    They’re not drinking and driving… they’ve got straws. It’s a maccioto frappe cappuccino… Guess Starbucks is in Heaven too. I was worried about that whole “eternity with no caffeine” thing… glad Starbucks has me covered.

  2. If you’ve only seen his performance in Batman than you have missed out on an incredible actor. We lost the Robert De Niro of my generation the day he died.

  3. If you’ve only seen his performance in Batman than you have missed out on an incredible actor. We lost the Robert De Niro of my generation the day he died.

  4. Blank – I hope you’re right about that ‘reset’ switch. Man I’ll be a babe magnet again when I get to heav–oh wait…d@mn.

  5. Ok, now tell me who gives a f**k isiah? Tell me, did you wake up a bit cranky, did someone piss in your frosty’s, no double..double or what??? I’m sending you hugs but I don’t know if it’s working?


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