19 thoughts on “Too soon?”

  1. Does this goof up the theory about celebs dying in threes, or does this start a new count?
    Billy’s #1…

  2. Celebs dying in 3’s? In the last few days we had four celebs pass on. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, and now Billy Mays. Although, come to think of it, you may be right about the number 3 ’cause I never considered Mays to be a celeb, just obnoxious.

  3. chris – don’t forget about David Carradine (sp?); that was fairly recent.

    Me and my kids loved Billy Mays — my wife, not so much.

    Always thought a great SNL skit would be Billy at home trying to convince his kid to eat his vegetables: “Eat that broccoli now, and you’ll also get this delicious pork chop and mashed potatoes! But wait — eat *all* your broccoli, and I’ll also give you a brownie sundae with whipped cream!”

    RIP, Billy.

  4. I still think there’s some kind of time/space warp that’s trying to balance things in the universe… either that or we’re just plain lucky that Wacko and Loudmouth are both outa here!!!




  6. That’s what happens when you use too much of that OxyClean stuff. You die at 50.

    I bet they find OxyClean on Michael Jackson’s blood too. His clothes were always so clean and well washed.

  7. But Isiah, this means you’ll never have to worry that’s it’s Billy Mays There driving down the road doing 40 in a 70 with his blinker on. (Full and Honest Disclosure: I pulled a little blue haired lady turn the other day, started to turn onto an expressway and it looked like I was getting ready to pull on the off-ramp, so I stopped in the middle of a 6 lane intersection. Would have been embarrassing if I hadn’t just flipped everyone off and peeled out across 2 lanes of traffic.)

  8. I’m going to miss Billy Mays most of all.

    As far as I know he never diddled a kid, never robbed a bank, never beat his wife. He just worked a lot, and it paid off after years of keeping to it. He got a bit famous and, instead of suing people left and right, rolled with the mockery, even added too it by mocking himself.

    I won’t call a guy with his own TV show on Discovery a working class hero. Won’t call any celeb a hero – save a kid from a burning building, then check in on that score. As famous folks go he seemed a pretty ok guy.

    So yes, I’m not a bit ashamed of missing the guy famous for shouting about OxyClean more than the other famous recently dead. I’d miss Jonco more than Jacko the same way.

  9. Hopefully you won’t have to miss me for a while. But, as we all know… YOU NEVER KNOW! (That didn’t make a whole lot of sense, did it?)

  10. bet if most of you would check your cubbards, you will find a lot of stuff that Billy pitched about. Let him go in peace.

  11. Too many deaths in the news and people I know in recent days. 18 come to mind. Sorry I can’t contribute to the funny side of any of these people’s deaths including MJ.

  12. You’re all assholes, a man with a family to support just died, and all you can do is poke fun at him and say you hate his voice. I hope when you people die you go to hell

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