B&P chat

We’ve tried two different B&P chat services.  I haven’t spent too much time on either one.  I can see advantages and disadvantages to both.

 Are you guys using it?  Should I keep one or the other?  Should I look for a different one?  Or should we forget about it all together? 

What do you think? Majority rules.

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11 thoughts on “B&P chat”

  1. I just miss the recent comment thingy. I liked the fact that whenever you came on here, you could see if someone was making smart@ss comments and join in. 😉

  2. I’m not opposed to having a chat, and both have pros and cons, but the newest one unfortunately has too many outsiders leaving random ignorant comments that in my opinion we can do without.

  3. No kidding. I just looked over at it and the first two visible comments were, “nigga please” and some reference to gay sex with pigs. Nice.

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