Another smoking related death…What was he thinking? 99.9% of the female gender should not be allowed anywhere near weapons (excluding Bella, and maybe Bitsy).
The trigger gave her the needed leverage to clean the dog crap off of her shoes.
Nope Richard, not even me, I agree whole heartedly with you.
This poor chap would look like something fricaseed off of Bugs Bunny
if I was on the end of that thing.
Dick Cheney’s parents go hunting
(and chill everyone, that’s not a political comment)
political fight coming up…..wtg Revrick315 lol
Aw crap rev, you had to stir the pot.
Her fingers are nowhere near the trigger. What’s the problem?
Gosh, Taffy, KLAW, it had been hours since I’d been called a redneck, racist, gun-clinging, bible-thumper and I was feeling neglected. Maybe I should change my handle to include the qualifiers – revrick315(rrgb)
revrick315 – you’re a redneck, racist, gun-clinging, bible-thumper. So there!
Thank you, Richard. I’ve been validated. Perhaps I can make it another day now.
and a one thumbed one at that!
It does matter if she has her finger by the trigger or not. You do not want to be causal with a gun. You want to always, always treat them like they are loaded, with safety off, and about to fire. Watch next she will be using it as a back-scratcher.
So I shouldn’t be using this loaded .22 to scratch my back. Well now I know! Thanks isiah!
Rev – I was going to go the Dick Cheney comment too! You bet me to it!
You have a loaded .4 with 22 kids in the house?
Well how else am I going to keep them in order?!
W.T.F is with that outfit she has,DAYUM
It’s old school. Not doing it for you Infi? Didn’t you ever have a thing for Mrs. Cleaver?
please tell me you would not ever wear that
Nope. I’m a jeans girl.
Well, Bella, I don’t know if that makes it into a song or not – “He was a redneck, one thumbed, gun-clinging people cheater” Completely off subject, my father was playing with a blasting cap when he was a kid (not much to do in the woods of KY I guess) and lost a thumb and finger. I remember wondering when I was a wee tad “How old do I have to be before my fingers start falling off”
LOL @ Revy. (d’oh, didn’t know about your Dad when I made that crack, sorry)
No problem. I just think of that occasionally when I’m trying to think of some kid’s point of view. They are looking at things through innocent eyes and don’t necessarily see things as they truly are. Well…plus, I was really dumb before I grew out of it (insert your best shot here…), but just saying….
Another smoking related death…What was he thinking? 99.9% of the female gender should not be allowed anywhere near weapons (excluding Bella, and maybe Bitsy).
The trigger gave her the needed leverage to clean the dog crap off of her shoes.
Nope Richard, not even me, I agree whole heartedly with you.
This poor chap would look like something fricaseed off of Bugs Bunny
if I was on the end of that thing.
Dick Cheney’s parents go hunting
(and chill everyone, that’s not a political comment)
political fight coming up…..wtg Revrick315 lol
Aw crap rev, you had to stir the pot.
Her fingers are nowhere near the trigger. What’s the problem?
Gosh, Taffy, KLAW, it had been hours since I’d been called a redneck, racist, gun-clinging, bible-thumper and I was feeling neglected. Maybe I should change my handle to include the qualifiers – revrick315(rrgb)
revrick315 – you’re a redneck, racist, gun-clinging, bible-thumper. So there!
Thank you, Richard. I’ve been validated. Perhaps I can make it another day now.
and a one thumbed one at that!
It does matter if she has her finger by the trigger or not. You do not want to be causal with a gun. You want to always, always treat them like they are loaded, with safety off, and about to fire. Watch next she will be using it as a back-scratcher.
So I shouldn’t be using this loaded .22 to scratch my back. Well now I know! Thanks isiah!
Rev – I was going to go the Dick Cheney comment too! You bet me to it!
You have a loaded .4 with 22 kids in the house?
Well how else am I going to keep them in order?!
W.T.F is with that outfit she has,DAYUM
It’s old school. Not doing it for you Infi? Didn’t you ever have a thing for Mrs. Cleaver?
please tell me you would not ever wear that
Nope. I’m a jeans girl.
Well, Bella, I don’t know if that makes it into a song or not – “He was a redneck, one thumbed, gun-clinging people cheater” Completely off subject, my father was playing with a blasting cap when he was a kid (not much to do in the woods of KY I guess) and lost a thumb and finger. I remember wondering when I was a wee tad “How old do I have to be before my fingers start falling off”
LOL @ Revy. (d’oh, didn’t know about your Dad when I made that crack, sorry)
No problem. I just think of that occasionally when I’m trying to think of some kid’s point of view. They are looking at things through innocent eyes and don’t necessarily see things as they truly are. Well…plus, I was really dumb before I grew out of it (insert your best shot here…), but just saying….