I haven’t commented in a while but you find the funniest stuff!! Thanks for the laughter you provide this unemployed oleconstruction worker several times a day. It is great, plus the fact we are both from St. Louis is cool, at least to me. Thanks again, funny one.
I haven’t commented in a while but you find the funniest stuff!! Thanks for the laughter you provide this unemployed oleconstruction worker several times a day. It is great, plus the fact we are both from St. Louis is cool, at least to me. Thanks again, funny one.
Hey! That would look like my ex mother-in-law
except this one is smiling…
Hey, that’s a feel good comment from John for you Jonco.
Nice to see that and a breath of fresh air. I likes you John.
I like you Bella lol…..jk
I likes you too Taffy…..LOL
Hang in there John.
Thanks John! Always nice to hear.
Nobody likes bankoles