60 thoughts on “Dead pirate stats”

  1. Gary,

    I would rather be a loser than a racist and by the way you are still stamping your feet, shaking your fists and frothing at the mouth, my guess is you didn’t understand my quip about protesting too much…

  2. have any of you that think the stimulus package is going to help acutely looked at it. if not get a ream of paper and print the spread sheet out. then come back and tell me how it is going to help the economy. if you take time to notice all the bank bailouts are coming out of extra spending bills because the pork added to the stimulus bill ate it all up. caution it will tend to make you yell a lot. followed by anger. my high school finance class has more fiscal sense then all of the idiots in Washington and i mean all Dem, Rep, all of them could not balance a checkbook if there life depended on it.

  3. ALN,

    Are you a HS finance class teacher?

    If so, I have a great deal for respect for teachers, so I will temper what I say. I spent 30 years in finance and banking, with my livelihood dependent on interest rates and the economy since the mid seventies. You have to spend money to get the economy going. You have to make concessions to get the spending bills approved. Before you hop up and down with anger, you need to consider who is going to pay for the spending. If it’s the rich providing the revenue, then you as a HS teacher has nothing to complain about. (I have teachers in my family, they are far from rich)

    If you are a HS student, shut up, go get a job, raise a family and then…

    tell me to go print out a spreadsheet.

  4. Bill, yes I understand the Shakespeare quote and what you were implying, wrong headed as you are about your implication. You on the other hand did not understand my quip about the big L on your forehead, I was implying liberal not loser, but if the shoe fits.

    p.s…Could it be your Freudian slip is showing? (if you can understand that quip)

  5. ALN, don’t you just hate know it all pricks that have to tell you how many years they aledgedly spent in a certain field, as if that instantly makes them world renown experts on the subject. This jerkwad probably spent a few years as a bank teller till he was fired for having sticky fingers. Banking and finance for 30 years my ass.

  6. Gary – did you notice how Bill, a typical liberal, did not answer any questions about his “facts”. He immedately starts calling people racist. Somehow I got the racist tag because I invoked the names of Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton and Jessie “Who’s Your Daddy” Jackson. He doesn’t even understand the difference between “racist” and “bigot”. And somebody who thinks that increased government spending is somehow going to get our economy going is delusional. If corporate taxes keep driving companies overseas, Uncle Sam is going to be the only employer.

  7. Richard, poor Bill is the typical confused liberal. He jerks the race card out like a quick draw shooter, doesn’t matter if he’s accurate or if anyone else has mentioned or even thought about race. He sees himself as the authority on the subject, and he thinks he can hang that tag on someone he does not even know.

    Ladies and gentlemen I present to you Wild Bill Jerkoff, almost always the first to notice, and or mention race. WBJ, without you and people like you, maybe the rest of us wouldn’t even consider a persons race as an issue.

    Also, poor Wild Bill Jerkoff thinks we should give Obama a free pass. Muaahaaaaa
    Also, poor Wild Bill thinks because he was banker (btw weren’t certain bankers the idiots that helped us into our current economic mess, another reason not to like you Wild Bill, especially when you tout it as if it is something to be proud of) he intimately understands all facets of the economy. Like you Richard, and others I’m sure, I know you can’t fix a busted economy with unprecedented massive spending.
    Especially when you have to borrow the massive amounts you plan to spend.

    Wild Bill, if you have concluded that you have made this personal, then you are infinitesimally smarter than I thought.

  8. bill i am the teacher and i own 5 businesses so i am the one they want to tax that is why i take time to read stuff like the stem bill and why i will be campaigning to vote out anyone that did not read it before voting on it.

    YOU CAN NOT BORROW YOUR WAY OUT OF DEBT. simple concept not realized in Washington.

    As of 9am pacific time you bill now owe $36,386.00 as your share of the national debt. this has gone up $8k per person in this country in the last 100 days with all the stem and bailout bills Washington has passed.

  9. Obama was the only president to order the military to combat piracy? I do not think so…Thomas Jefferson was the first president to order the military into action against the piracy that was taking place in the mediterranean during his presidency…GET IT RIGHT!


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