6 thoughts on “Billy Mays buys breakfast at McDonalds”

  1. Billy Mays must be doing something right if he’s the pitch man for many products (mostly his own). He’s much better than that Vince Offer(Schlomo) who could use some Sham WOW’s while waiting for bail for the prostitute he beat up to clean up the blood. Everyone is a critic and has that right but I like Billy Mays’ enthusiasm. As for this Drive Thru video, it was a morning show “on the fly” request from MJ of the MJ Morning show. Billy was actually poking fun at all the pitch men and women with the obligatory scripts of infomercials. It was meant to be “lame” and making fun. Anyway, that’s my 5 cents and I expect the comments soon on how I’m an idiot for voicing my opinion……


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