Dr. House recommended

Jonco endorsed too!


It’s kicking in just fine right now.  I really couldn’t feel much except my mouth was getting dry, so I got up to get a soda.  Wheeeeeee!  I can still feel the pain but it is considerably duller at the moment.

15 thoughts on “Dr. House recommended”

  1. That’s creeping up towards the upper end of the spectrum there Jon.

    The higher you are, the further it is to fall.

    Beer, on the other hand, is a proven safe pain reliever, unless as KLAW has mentioned, you discover you have to chew your arm off one morning.

    But other than that

  2. It’s good to keep a hard man down…er i mean it’s hard to keep a good man down…
    i think…
    glad to see something is working Jonco.

  3. This might be a bit personal, but watch out for that stuff – it will block you up worse than cheese!!

  4. Vicodin isn’t worth shit!!! Neither is Percoset… give me my morphine! Now you’re talking!!!! Yeah, there’s still pain but it’s dulled down and you’re able to cope.

  5. Whatever floats your boat Tattoo Jim. So far Vicodin is floating my boat just fine. Like morphine does to you… I still feel the pain, but it is dulled and the med wears off after a few hours.

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