“BAIL EM OUT! ????

Maxine2Hell, back in 1990, the Government seized the Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada for tax evasion and, as required by law, tried to run it. They failed and it closed. 

Now we are trusting the economy of our country and our banking system to the same nit-wits who couldn’t make money running a whore house and selling whiskey!”

Thanks Gene

41 thoughts on ““BAIL EM OUT! ????”

  1. I’d imagine their zeal for saving the banking industry would probably be higher than their zeal to run a business that is illegal in 99% of the country.

    And besides, what happened to the economy under the wise stewardship of those very banking firms to begin with? At least I can vote for somebody in the government.

  2. I’m with you Jeff. The banking industry needs to be nationalized (not bailed out)for 3 reasons. One to get rid of those overpaid executives that caused the problem in the first place. Two, to keep hard-working banking employees employed, even if it means temporarily showing a loss (this loss would be handed down to the taxpayers anyway in the form of unemployment and uninsured health care). Three, it will be able to directly get the economy going by making loans again to consumers and business. Right now the banks are just hording the money TARP gave them to cover future losses and pay those spectacular 18 billion in executive bonuses.

    Stupid comparisons, such as this, obfuscate the major decisions that need to be made in getting this country back on its feet.

  3. Of course, this really isn’t true. The IRS seized the brothel in 1990, however a judge refused to allow the trustee to run it, and prostitution was made illegal in that county until the business was auctioned off.

    So the government wasn’t “running the brothel and failing”. Just a typical seizure of a business during a bankruptcy proceeding and auction of said property to the highest bidder.

    Urban Legends

  4. in 1999 Fanny Ma and Freddy mac told congress that forcing them to do sub prime loans would be bad for the country if there was an economic down tern (like gas prices going up 100% in 6 months). then house leaders aka reed and polusy, and sennet leader aka AL gore forced them to do it. now we are going to tern over our banking to lawyers instead of economist. scary


  5. It was a bad word during the campaign, but as Newsweek magazine shouts on the cover of their current issue,
    “We’re All Socialists Now.”

  6. DJ,
    We are “socialist” in many ways. I for one, am glad to have a “socialist” police department, a “socialist” fire department, a “socialist” army to protect me, among others. All things that you and I pay for with our tax dollars. I do not want my government manufacturing stuff. I do want them, however, to regulate the people that do manufacture stuff, because, as we all can see from the recent peanut problem, industry is not able to self regulate. If they were, the phrase “bail out” would not be bandied about as it has been these past months. Because we see how well Wall Street has done in self regulation, haven’t we?

  7. amazing the ignorance that runs rampant here.
    What about the overpaid beef that sits in the two houses of Congress? (both sides of the aisle) therein is where the problem lies.
    Better be careful about getting rid of those “overpaid” bankers. who do you think are large contributors to the Democratic party? ESPECIALLY in this last election cycle.
    Lawyers too. The ABA is a huge contributor to the Democratic party also. So if you think bankers and lawyers are the chancres of life, remember what party they overwhelmingly support.
    Some of you folks read someting besides the New Republic or the Utne Reader once in a while.
    Conservative thinkers in Congress, both Democrat and Republican are what is needed in the majority.

  8. As an ex-banker myself, I say get rid of the bums!

    Twisted conservative ideology got us into this mess and I am talking about the GOP. They are so out of touch the governor of Louisiana had declined Unemployment benefits from the stimulus. The stimulus is going to help this nation and idiots in the GOP are standing in the way. Screw them and push ’em aside! We don’t need arrogant republicans who caused this disaster having any say so in how we get out of it. They are just praying the stimulus doesn’t work. A bunch of traitors in my opinion.

    Except Arnold, he said publicly today, he would take the stimulus his fellow GOP governors are turning down!


  9. what is your definition of conservative ideology?
    the folks who got us into this mess are/were not conservatives. their principle was greed and doing and saying whatever it took to get elected. they were pretenders.
    so how is not agreeing with the stimulus to work being a traitor? it is not a stimulus. it is mostly payola.
    you know just by replacining/revamping the insane tax laws in this country would be a hell of a stimulus. but they won’t do it because it would take too much power away from Congress.
    time for a taxpayer revolt.

  10. I started to send this link to friends because I thought it was a funny JOKE and then I started reading the comments. Unfortunately, because of bad decisions, greed, avarice, stupidity, and a confluence of events, every commentary section about JOKES becomes a political diatribe that digresses to Bush/Dodd/Frank/Cheney/Soros/Pelosi/Palin/Obama/libtard/repuglican oneupsmanship. This country has flourished on political discourse, dissent, common, and uncommon sense. And yes, the vitriolic comments we see here are no worse than some of the informed and uninformed political comments of the last 200+ years.
    Folks…we’re in a Rodney King moment, e.g. “Can’t we just get along”. Finger pointing is not working. Castigating folks is not working. Typing in all CAPS is not working. Class warfare (both upstream and downstream) is reprehensible. We’re at the “all hang together or we will surely hang separately” moment in time. Let’s just bite the bullet and fix what we can before we dump this on our kids and grandkids et al.
    (Sorry, for the minor rant folks but I’m feeling much, much better. Guess I’ll just go read some more JOKES….).

  11. Not only am I pointing fingers, but so are the justice dept, FBI SEC and the NY attorney general. and after they point they wiggle that finger in a “come hither” motion. Dont worry about your tax cuts Jimbo, that isnt going to happen anytime soon. Bush road the national debt up to the moonand now we have to borrow more to jump start the economy. The party is over folks, welcome to the hangover.

  12. Klaw,

    If you don’t like what you read, then don’t read the comments. some jokes are funny, some are politically charged. This joke is not a joke, it’s an attempt to educate the “I can’t think for myself” portion of the population on the evils of government regulation. In case you didn’t notice, we are in the middle of a crisis, due to a lack of regulation, and anything, couched as a joke or otherwise, that tries to undermine the efforts of our government to resolve it, isn’t funny and should be exposed for the propaganda that it is.

  13. KLAW, I’m with you buddy. Some people need to move on to political rant websites and leave the rest of us to find humor where we can.

  14. Richard, I think some of us (well me, for sure) find humor in these very responses!
    DJ, We have had some spirited discussions here in the past, I’m wondering why you ignored my earlier question to you?

  15. P in B – Thanks. And sorry, I missed the question. This isn’t one of my strong subjects. As a self-employed small business owner and a flaming free-enterprise free-market capitalist, I am usually for less govt intervention in my life. I understand your point about police/fire and we could probably add schools and public libraries. But those are under local control by city councils or boards, which are way closer to the actual citizens they serve – I know my mayor and councilmen and cops and they know me. We work together in person and with handshakes. What I worry about is the Feds getting their mitts into more and more…deeper into auto industry, deeper into banking, deeper into big business, deeper into Wall Street, deeper into how much money people make, and deeper into sports…The bigger the Fed govt gets, the less I trust it. And I’ve always felt that way btw.
    When the liberal’s ‘socialized’ medicine eventually happens, it wont be as easy as everybody just getting free or low cost medical…you better believe there will be a LOT of strings attached to that…for the drs and the public. I don’t want a govt agency telling my doctor how to treat me, or when, and when to stop treating me. I want him to be able to do whatever it takes, now and for as long as it takes.
    Don’t forget…the Feds (led by Frank/Dodd) forcing the banks to service high-risk mortgages got us into this mess. If the banks would have had their way, they would have made loans to people who could afford to pay the money back. And people who couldn’t afford to repay a mortagage? Well they wouldn’t have bought a house. Which is exactly as it should be.
    Not sure if this answers you, Paul. As I say, I have to do more homework on definitions and terminology. But I know when something feels wrong, and this is feeling more and more wrong.

  16. Geez Paul I just did the same thing you did. I forgot to close my italics.
    I was going to tell you that at the beginning of what you wanted to bold or italic or strikeout etc, use the symbols jonco has above the comment box ^. For italics, use this but with no spaces. At the end of the word or phrase, do this… (again with no spaces). The slash in the code ends it. If you replace the i with a b you get bold text. Replace with the word strike and keep arrows and slashes the same, you get a strikeout of the word between the codes. The rest you dont much need.
    But then, you prob know all that and just forgot to end it, exactly like I just did.

  17. DJ, I am for real and I moderate the website of one of the top talk radio hosts in the country. I won’t say which one, because I prefer members to find their way there on their own. It seems the majority of those leaving comments would prefer not to hear what I have to say, so I am done on this subject.

  18. Well, since you asked, Jonco, it’s Thom Hartmann. He took AL Franken’s place on Air America. I don’t know if he comes here, I don’t discuss haunts with him.

  19. Yeah, it’s still on the air…


    but the syndication could be better. I first corresponded with Thom about an article he wrote many years ago and he wasn’t on the air then. Thom is an extraordinary person who, back in the 70’s, owned an advertising company, then sold it for enough to retire on, but instead he and his wife Louise decided to try and make the world a better place, so they opened The New England Salem Children’s Village…


    since then the school has thrived and made a happy home for many kids. Now Thom resides with his family in Portland, where he broadcast daily from.


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