15 thoughts on “A spelling test”

  1. Actually, I can’t spell worth a damn. If spell check had not been invented I would never be able to write without driving some poor editor insane.

    Thoses are some pretty tough words.

  2. Got 21 correct, but I disagree on dependant vs. dependent. American Heritage says both are acceptable without indicating a preference.

  3. Ouch, I’m quite good with language and still only got 16/27 right… I guess however good you are at spelling, there’s always improvement to be made!

  4. Got 24 correct (89 %). Not bad for a Frenchman!! ^^ But I guess American people got accustomed (another nice word to spell, btw) to those spellings and must be confused at times…

  5. 18/27 with some mistakes in words where several spellings could be considered correct (especially here outside of the N American continent). And I disagreed with e.g. Q21 where I thought _all options_ were incorrect (should have been ‘privile*d*ge’)…

    BTW, folks relying totally on spell checkers: do yourself a favour, turn *off* the checking and learn your language… I challenge you: beat someone with English as his third language… 😉

  6. I’m Portuguese, Sebastian is French, shouldn’t you people be a bit embarrassed about having foreigners write better English than you?

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