Here’s a fast guessing game that I’m really not very good at. Can you guess how old someone is by looking at their picture.
Created by Bryant
Here’s a fast guessing game that I’m really not very good at. Can you guess how old someone is by looking at their picture.
Created by Bryant
I’m not very good at that either!
That gets old after the first couple of hundred guesses
We should guess each others’ ages on here just by analyzing comments.
Bitsy is twenty and you’re thirty-two, Scott.
I would guess my own age but I might lie to you as to if I was right or not.
And I think I’ve ratted myself out a few times already.
When the hell does this thing give you a frikkin score??? I’ve guessed 4,387 people and I think after 6½ hours I deserve a frikkin score. I’ve got to get up in the morning, I can only go another 3 frikkin hours, dammit!
As far as I can tell you’re only 22343 away from the end.
But that’s just a guess.
After you say “That’s one’s too ugly” 10 times you are required to quit. I think I was done in a minute.
Yeah, I screwed up that last comment.
4 kids and 20! I am all class!!! I haven’t been twenty for at least 13 years. Oh wait….
Mike is 60?
Thanks Jonco,people tell me i look younger than my 51 years so my result is going to be interesting.
35h. I feel younger since I started keeping track in hexadecimal than binary (110101).
Im over 20
I’ve been 15 for the past 19 years
Im older than 42 but younger than 44
Infidel, are you referring to years or inches?
Oh, BTW, I’m 50 in Georgia years, but 63 in Yankee years.
Bella is 4C.
are you talking about cup size (front loader style) DJ?
lmao no not quite that long