23 thoughts on “The comedians are gonna miss this guy”

  1. Sorry, but I’m so f’ing sick of this ‘worst president ever” bs. By what standards? He kept you liberal ‘haters’ safe from the bad guys just like the rest of us. What are you going to do four years from now when your Utopia doesn’t exist? I wish Obama well, but he’s just a man and the problems we face aren’t going go away just because the man is a great speaker. The man has an astronomical approval rating and hasn’t done a damn thing. Bush was no Lincoln, but my God, he tried in earnest to prevent at least part of these economic problems, only to have the Dems fight him tooth and nail. Facts used to matter.

  2. I wonder… how many people who make fun of Bush for tripping up on his words would be able to give a speech in front of the ENTIRE USA and not mess up. As well as how many people who make fun of Bush have NEVER dropped something? At least Bush didn’t get a blow job in the oval office.

  3. I agree with mcw…… I don’t think he was anywhere near a great president, but damn, does he really deserve such virulent scorn?….I believe he was sincere in his desire to do what was best for our country, sure he made mistakes, but if you think he’s the first or will be the last in that regard, wake up you’re dreaming.
    He had, at least initialy, the support of congress to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. Congress kept the greenback tap open that allowed the wars to proceed for all this time, no money equals no war.

    Like Maoman said, who could possibly be constantly on stage in front of virtually the whole world without making some blunders. I couldn’t. Could you?

  4. Yeah Duuude, my mom died in 07….somehow in the back of my mind I just knew it was George Bush that killed her, thanks for confirming.

  5. He did manage to give you guys a pretty bad name, regardless of whither he was a good president or not…

  6. Who is the worst president?

    The one who got the most Americans killed? You mean Lincoln?

    The one who drove us into the worst financial crisis and had the lowest public approval? You mean Herbert Hoover?

    The one whose administration was the most corrupt? You mean US Grant? Grant was an honest man with dishonest friends.

    How about the one who got us into the most destructive war in history? That would be FDR.

    How about the one who had to put down THREE rebellions during his administration, and whose friends wanted to make him President for Life? That would be Washington.

    How about a president whose military career was misrepresented to the public? That would be Teddy Roosevelt.

    You may notice that three of these ‘worst presidents’ are on Mt. Rushmore.

    It’s funny to me, how people wring their hands about the Iraq war, and scream their hatred of Bush, and I have to ask: Where were you seven years ago? Seven years ago, I was publicly against the Iraq war. Heck, I was against The Gulf War before that, and though we kicked @$$, and things turned out okay, I’m not going to hide and pretend I was always for it. I’m no ‘sunshine patriot’. I was against the Gulf War, still am. I was FOR the war in Afghanistan, and I’m still glad we went in and took those filthy Taliban out of power. I was against the Iraq War, and I still am. The war, in hindsight, had strong justifications: strong reasons we should be glad we did it, but my support doesn’t flow and ebb with public opinion. I was against the war in Iraq seven years ago, and I won’t hide that, but seven years ago, I was in a very small minority.

    I had ‘patriots’ calling me a coward, calling me unAmerican, telling me that I was ‘supporting the terrorists’, telling me that I couldn’t ‘support the troops’ yet be ‘against the war’ because if I was against the war, I was against the troops, and I was FOR the terrorists! Yet, where are these ‘patriots’ now? Hiding under their covers, wringing their hands over the war, going on marches and condemning Bush for involving us.

    So all of you who are now against the Iraq War, I ask again: where were you 7 years ago?

  7. Yea at least Saddam is dead as well as his two sons um howdy and doody…what about chemical Ail now there was a unit.

  8. Bush was no Reagan or a Conservative but he wasnt bad,the things that pissed me off was he wanted to make the damn Mexicans legal and the damn veto pen sat there with dust on it

  9. Duuude: That might be the dumbest statement I’ve ever read here…Bush KILLED Americans??? If you’re one of those headcases that think he hit the WTC or blew up levees in N.Orleans, or kicked your dog, it might be time for you to go back to your home planet.

    If you’re talking about war, using YOUR logic, FDR killed more Americans than the Germans did. FDR & Truman killed more Americans than the Japanese did. Truman & Ike killed more Americans than the North Koreans could ever dream of. Nixon, JFK and especially LBJ killed far more Americans than the N.Vietnamese did. How far back do you want to go? And should we bring up the fact that the all wise and merciful Obama supported POST-birth abortions in the Illinois legislature? Do you know what that means?? How many Americans did he want to kill there…..and why???

    I guess you mean that Bush forced them to go to war…sorry duuude, it’s an all volunteer military….But don’t forget…FDR, Truman, Ike, JFK, LBJ, Nixon…They had the draft. They FORCED Americans into combat. Bet you hate all of them, too.

    Seems like if you thought out your brilliant thought a little further, Bush would be quite a way down the list from The Worst, by your ‘reasoning’.

  10. DJ:

    Your points would be valid IF Bush had a reason to throw our people into the sands of Iraq.

    Did he have a reason for it?

    No. In fact he kept changing his story. Remember WMDs? Remember the “terrorists”? If you don’t, I do.

    FDR had a reason. Truman had a reason. JFK had a reason, and so did Nixon.

    Bush doesn’t have a single truth to stand on and that’s why his approval rating is in the 20’s. Not too many dumb people out there to believe his BS.

    I stand by what I said. He wasted A LOT of American Blood. There is no excuse for that.

  11. Duuude: careful what you believe. I always say, just ’cause I didn’t yell “bullshit” when I stepped in it, doesn’t mean I didn’t know what it was.

    There’s a lot more to the WMD story AND the Iraq war than what was widely reported in the media. If you don’t think the Iraq war was worth it, fair enough, just be educated about it.

    I was against the Iraq war from the beginning, and still am: because I don’t like to waffle just because the wind blows a different direction one day to the next.

    However, do a little research: what were Uday and Qsay up to right before the war? What was different in their relationship? What plan were they, at the time of the invasion, within 90 days of putting into effect and what affect would that plan have had on the Iraqi people and on stability in the Middle East?

  12. Duuude –

    I just don’t seem to recall that German attack on the US.

    In fact, I’m having trouble recalling those attacks on the USA by N Korea or N Vietnam, either…

    I missed it…why did JFK and LBJ ‘kill’ 50,000 Americans (That’s about 46,000 more than Iraq, btw.)
    Oh…and what did that war accomplish again?…

  13. Bush was all about transferring wealth from the treasury to the very richest people in America, who by the way, did very well under his administration, and will miss him sorely. Those we hear crying about Bush not being so bad are either these very wealthy people who will miss him, or the stupid suckers who don’t know any better and bought into the rhetoric.

    It started with Reagan, who did the exact same thing, emptied the treasury and ran up a huge deficit. Then came the idiots father, who inherited an empty treasury but still ran up the debt to an even greater deficit. Then came Bush Jr, who out did them both because he walked into a presidency that had money in the treasury again, who emptied that as well as leaving a deficit far larger that will probably last for decades.

    So get your heads out of your butts and tell it like it is. Either admit that you made a financial killing on the backs of those who could afford it the least and show yourself as the kind of bastard that would take bread from a starving man; or admit that you don’t know squat and bought into the rhetoric simply because you were stupid and didn’t know any better.

    If you don’t have a problem with secret prisons, secret trials, or torture; then you should move to the middle east and shove your head back up your butt because you don’t even know what it is to be an American. Back when Americans still thought like Americans, we were executing the Japs responsible for “water-boarding.” So which is it, where we “wrong then but right now” or were we “right then but wrong now?” If you’ve no problem with torture, then you’ve no right to complain if someone is torturing you or your family members.

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