19 thoughts on “The President of the United States”

  1. With this impostor in the White House, the Constitution is meaningless. Just go back in your history books and you will see the same stuff for other extreme leftists. Just look at Hitler, Stalin, and Lenin. It is very scary right now for America.

    I am glad I am out of the military. Anything he does is meaningless until, and only until, he proves his citizenship.

    The next, and real 44th President is going to have one hell of a mess to clean up!

    I do not and will not recognize B. Hussien Obama as the lawful President until he proves beyond any shadow of a doubt. I am far from alone. This will keep growing and growing.

    Maybe the 44th President will be Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter will be her VP. Wouldn’t that be sweet! And just watch the neo-nazi-commies scream bloody murder! Those two ladies would clean up Washington!

    Guard SGT (ret)

  2. Scott, black monday, black tuesday, black friday, what in the heck is going on?…….at least February is now called Black History month, I released my slave when I was 17,she was hot. dunno.

  3. Is that what he said when he took the oath,I thought so……Guard he is in office now we will have more problems than we can handle for the next four years ,lets worry about that,I believe Hawaii has proved the birth thing,sorry to disagree with you

  4. To Khook, just take a look at how many similarities there are between communism and fascism. Now look at how few differences there are. Now tell me they are extreme opposites. It can not be done! That is why they both must be extreme left groups.

    I have studied WWII history quite a bit. It is something that just happened once I started building model planes back in Junior High.

    Logic trumps political correctness every time!

    Infedel, his birth certificate question is very wide open. Just ask yourself why is the original still sealed? It has not been made public. As are his college admission records. What damning information does this false person not want us to see? You see nothing is settled.

    The longer obama is allowed to illegally be President, the greater the Constitutional Crisis the real 44th President must undo. Everything obama does is unconstitutional. Every appointment is invalid. Everything he signs is just like a forged check.

    The bottom line is the identity of the President has been stolen. And think of the mess you have to deal with if you ID is stolen. This is so much worse.

    Guard SGT (ret)

  5. These retard keep making these accusations with no prove what so ever – first a Muslim, then a terrorist, then a baster, then an illegal alien, now an illegal president. So what’s next? what not just lynch the niggar or hang him from a tree? and get over with…

  6. @ Infidel — you apologized for disagreeing?

    @ KLAW — hey i know, post your picture and your address so people can place a name with the face of ignorance, hatred, and fear.

    @ Joe — don’t you think they would’ve already done that if it was 1935 again?

    @ everyone else who hates the fact that a biracial person is the President — just think of all those white people saluting, and kissing his @$$. Burns you up, doesn’t it? LOL

  7. To LOL:

    Let me give you something to think about. Now set the clock back to January 20, 2001.

    Let us suppose that Governor George W. Bush had deep questions on his citizenship. That under the Constitution he was like the Governors of California and Michigan in that he was not a natural citizen. And now you have a botched oath.

    What would you be demanding to be done?

    You see race has nothing, zero, nadda to do with the questions being asked. You are using race as a smoke screen to attempt to cover up very real Constitutional questions.

    The ball is in your court. I await your answers.

    Guard SGT (ret)

  8. How about giving some credit to the FBI, the secret service, and all these other government agencies who’s job is to make sure this does not happened – do you really think they would let something like this get by?

    Which is why your comments (illegal president) don’t make any sense.

  9. Right or wrong, the question of his birth is out there. Why will he not just provide the evidence of his US birth to close the issue? That is IF there really is any undisputable evidence…… As long as the question is not verified people will continue to hang on it.

  10. To Guard: The term left is referring to left on the basic political spectrum (socialism). On the opposite (right) side of the political spectrum is fascism. So to call them both leftist is completely wrong.

  11. there is nothing to dispute – this guy who’s name I don’t remember kept making these lies during the election – this guy was confronted by CNN and admitted he had no evidence to support anything…

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