Weird animal birth January 7, 2009 by Jonco This is one of the stranger things I’ve seen on the internet in a while. via 00
Some people will do anything to become a star on youtube…all it takes is a little imagination…good one. Man cow disease. Reply
So that’s where cowboys come from!
someone needs to bitch-slap that slime-ball!
What in the heck was that!?
I am not gonna look…
Well, I knew how Texas got its steers…
…that was very strange.
Some people will do anything to become a star on youtube…all it takes is a little imagination…good one.
Man cow disease.
Was Infidel involved?
..i can’t stop laughing, hate it when my wine comes out my nose!
Mike: LMAO one that one!
hmmm he was born with underwear