16 thoughts on “Apple introduces computer without a keyboard”

  1. whAtever thaet is the collest ever!

    y0u cannt knowe til u trye it

    I <3 myne

    this message sent from my Mac Book Wheel

  2. this is so sad. Whatever happened to the terminal? truth be told if it wasnt for this website and a few other photo blogs I wouldnt even bother with having any graphics at all. Just hang out in the terminal all day.

  3. Lmfao. Too bad this isn’t real.

    On a sidenote the guy at 1:38 is the perfect portrayal typical douchebag Apple user.

  4. Holy shit. How long would it take to write an essay?? This is the most useless product I have seen in a very long time. Unless it has a low pricetag, there is no point in buying this. Nevermind. I wouldn’t even buy it for the price of an ipod.

    Oh yea and Danno…are you friggin joking me

  5. Lol. I thought that was real, and I was thinking: My goodness, that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard! I type upwards of 80wpm, and I’d never be able to go that fast on a wheel. What was mac thinking? Lol. I love The Onion.

  6. hahaha

    we had a riot with this at work, we have several die hard mac users, and iphones everywhere (I am holding out) we had a few people suckered into it for a while.

    my favorite line is “it remains to be seen if this will catch on in the business world, where computers are are actually used for work, and not just dicking around.”

    I am no genius, but I am a ‘do it your self'(for cheaper) kinda guy, so i’ll probably always be a PC guy.

  7. Danno if you really are a “do it your self’(for cheaper) kinda guy” you should check out linux. Cheers.

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