Unlucky tourists witness 3 terrorist attacks

Terrorist attacksJason and Jenny Cairns-Lawrence, from Dudley, West Midlands, were in central Mumbai last month when the Indian city came under siege from Islamic militants.

They were also in New York on September 11, 2001, when terrorists flew two passenger planes into the World Trade Centre, bringing down the twin towers and killing almost 3,000 people.

And four years later they were in London on July 7, when terrorists blew up three London Underground trains and a double decker bus, resulting in the deaths of 52 commuters.

Mrs Cairns-Lawrence, 26, said: “It’s a strange coincidence. The terror attacks just happened when we were in the cities.”

Mr Cairns-Lawrence, 42, said: “I would say that Mumbai sprang back to its feet faster than New York or London.

“New York took almost a week to come back to normal. But Mumbai was back to its usual business from day three. “It was just amazing.”

Remind me never to vacation with them.


10 thoughts on “Unlucky tourists witness 3 terrorist attacks”

  1. in 1991, a friend of mine had a son living in NYC on 9-11. He decided to move back South where it was safe, and he settled in New Orleans. In 2005, Katrina hit and he was forced to evac into Houston. He decided to transfer there to go to school, but then yet another hurricane hit and he spent a week in a shelter. While there, he met a young woman who was also from New Orleans.

    THey were married this October.

    Talk about a guy who just cannot escape diaster!

  2. It sounds like Jason and Jenny Cairns-Lawrence could make a fortune from people paying them NOT to go to certain places…

  3. Indians have to tolerate all this and carry on with their lives because nothing can be and will be done about this .. Things like this will keep happening and we indians carry on as if nothing has happened ..

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