A font that reduces your ink use by 20%

The prints we make for our daily use not only use paper, but also ink. Lots of ink. According to Spranq (a Dutch creative communications company) that is partly unnecessary. They therefore developed a new font: the Ecofont.


A good idea is always simple: how much of a letter can be removed while maintaining the readability? After extensive testing with all kinds of shapes the best results were achieved by using small circles. This resulted in a font that uses up to 20% less ink. Free to download, free to use.


Update:  Here’s what it looks like in 10 pt.

Ecofont 1pt

Update via J-Walk Blog

25 thoughts on “A font that reduces your ink use by 20%”

  1. As a printer the internet started taking away our jobs….then newsprint is sky high now they want to reduce ink..how am i suppose to make a living? i guess il go back to doing porn

  2. @Andychrist

    As a printer you shouldnt need to worry.. Since me as a Graphic Designer see no need in using this for anything. As a printer you should be happy if a graphic designer used this? Since you can charge the same for the work with less ink used 😉

    A good idea for private use though..


  3. @ mats shit man i make newspapers ;P i think the new font is a waste but like you said for private use i could see it but i dont really think big buisness would use it

  4. printed Newspapers are obsolete anyway. In no time they will have no more use for ink.

    I wouldn’t give my boss a report printed with that junk though. Makes it look real trashy.

  5. I not only print at work, but I also take ink cartridges home along with boxes of printer paper. I’m all set. The rest of you need real jobs that allow you these oppurtunities……

  6. Love it in the 10 pt! Can’t see it being used by books or technical publications but it would be cool to see in paperbacks and newspapers. I am so downloading this font!

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