8 thoughts on “Getting fatter”

  1. Also remember that they’ve been re-defining the weight tables constantly over the past couple of decades. Now you’re considered ‘morbidly obese’ if you weigh more than 10lbs over what they consider you’re ‘ideal weight’ which has been shifted down and down the tables irregardless of body type.

    ….great way to push the weight-loss drugs and to tip the kids into eating disorders, but I don’t buy all of it….

  2. If only would could harness the energy in our own flatulence and fecal matter we could tell the middle east to kiss our fat asses

  3. This all makes sense. In 1986 when I was 17 I was 121 lbs and I wore a size 8 . Fast forward to 2008 in which I am now 132. Not overweight mind you yet I seem to wear a size 2. Where is the logic in that

  4. These kids need to get out and put the video games away,in the 80’s I was about 120 now Im 175 but I work out 4 times a week

  5. I know this subject isn’t political, but for me it’s nice to see my state turn from blue to red.

  6. Hmm,
    Has anyone tracked this trend to personal computer and video game useage?? The thought occurred as I sat on my but eating a pizza pop in front of the computer. 🙂

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