Hey! Rockalilly here. I tried to help. I’m really good at User Acceptance Testing of new systems at work. Guess why? I can break ANY system. I know just enough to be dangerous. So, when Kris and Mike were talking about how B&P was running out of space…but we were also still working on some transition things, I looked up new hosts and found one. It gave us about 20% more space for about the same cost.
But I didn’t actually find the instructions on how to transfer the site. I logged in and it said “do this!” So I did. Except…that should have been the LAST step, not the first one. I’ve been working all week to fix things.
We do have a backup of the site. I’m working on loading it. The new hosting site helped me get this far yesterday, but I think when I initially loaded the backup file (which is about 60% of the new storage and 80% of the old site), then unzipped it — making it 120% of the new storage threshold, because that means two copies for a bit! — some things didn’t transfer – like anything other than 2008-2010 posts. I got rid of the 2nd copy and I’m working on manually doing the rest. There were also a few compatibility issues that I’m working on, so a lot of the images aren’t showing up. Those are only a little important on a meme site, right? Mike said he couldn’t do a new post with a picture either. I don’t know. And I know I probably got way technical for some and not enough for others.
I do think it’s funny that the most recent post that showed up when they loaded it for us was a post from Jonco about issues he had in 2010. Accurate…even if those were 14 years ago! But yes — I’m not giving up. I’m hoping to get things back as close to they were as possible, but it’s my fault and I’ve promised not to touch things once I put them back. Please be patient with us! I’m hoping to at least get it to where new posts can be added.
We’ll see how this one goes.
<3, Rockalilly
Thank you so much Lilly – we appreciate YOUUUUUUU!!!!
Rockalilly, I hope you are successful–especially getting the post of me meeting Jonco up.
Rockalilly for President!
Hell make it Czar, Potentate, Queen, and Savior!!
Who among us hasn’t had a similar problem? If it’s a computer problem, I give up after about 2 minutes!
Rock on, Rockalilly. I can manage my withdrawal symptoms until you get B&P back up to full speed.
Tim – we should have any pictures. There’s about 30GB of images (!!!). I got them uploaded yesterday, but now just need some time to log in and move the folder to the correct place. After that, I’m not sure if I’ll have additional steps or not to get actual posts back. I’m still kinda winging things, but making better backups before I do them – like just changing a file name, so if it doesn’t work, I just change it back.
Bruce – I’m far overqualified for president. I admit my mistakes.
Kris – Thanks for putting up with my various frantic texts.