My cell phone is eight years old, does not have MP3, GPS, APPS, WiFi or a camera. What it does have is excellent voice quality and no dropped calls, so thanks, but no thanks to the new stuff.
Infidel, let me clarify that for ya. A bill prohibiting texting while driving by drivers 18 or younger was passed in the Ga. senate. It still would have to clear the Ga. house of representatives (where it now resides) and be signed by the Hon. Sonny Perdue before becoming Georgia law. 🙂
The iPhone is now only $199? That will piss off all those people who paid $500!
There’s actually plenty of credible research to support the negative side effects of too much cell phone exposure, including but not limited to altered brain function and judgment.
Infidel and Gary – Illinois just outlawed texting while driving (I believe it was effect January 1 of this year).
What’s interesting about texting is that any charges they impose is 100 percent profit because it costs the company absolutely nothing, because the text arrives on an already existing signal to your phone.
Wireless carriers have a “control channel” for sending text messages, This channel is used for that task, in fact every time your cell phone communicates with the tower it uses the “control channel” regardless if you text or not. Simply, the text message is small enough that it piggy backs in the control channel if needed; there is no impact on the tower because of the message; but text messages are not just tiny; they are also free riders, tucked into what’s called a control channel, space reserved for operation of the wireless network.
its now a law here in Georgia NO TEXTING
My cell phone is eight years old, does not have MP3, GPS, APPS, WiFi or a camera. What it does have is excellent voice quality and no dropped calls, so thanks, but no thanks to the new stuff.
Infidel, let me clarify that for ya. A bill prohibiting texting while driving by drivers 18 or younger was passed in the Ga. senate. It still would have to clear the Ga. house of representatives (where it now resides) and be signed by the Hon. Sonny Perdue before becoming Georgia law. 🙂
The iPhone is now only $199? That will piss off all those people who paid $500!
There’s actually plenty of credible research to support the negative side effects of too much cell phone exposure, including but not limited to altered brain function and judgment.
Infidel and Gary – Illinois just outlawed texting while driving (I believe it was effect January 1 of this year).
What’s interesting about texting is that any charges they impose is 100 percent profit because it costs the company absolutely nothing, because the text arrives on an already existing signal to your phone.
Wireless carriers have a “control channel” for sending text messages, This channel is used for that task, in fact every time your cell phone communicates with the tower it uses the “control channel” regardless if you text or not. Simply, the text message is small enough that it piggy backs in the control channel if needed; there is no impact on the tower because of the message; but text messages are not just tiny; they are also free riders, tucked into what’s called a control channel, space reserved for operation of the wireless network.