10 reasons why your computer is better than your girlfriend

Sexy computer1.) She doesn’t talk back to you. At best she beeps or gives you the silent treatment.

2.) She provides you with more information than your girlfriend will ever know.

3.) When you upgrade you know the costs up front.

4.) You can stare at tons of other girls and your computer will never get mad at you.

5.) You can shut her down whenever you get tired of her.

6.) Troubleshooting your computer is much easier than your GF.

7.) Your computer holds many valuable bits of information about your past and still likes you.

8.) You can press your computers buttons without any worry of repercussions.

9.) Your computer won’t sleep with your best friend or cheat on you.

10.) Your computer will cost a lot less than any girlfriend!


2 thoughts on “10 reasons why your computer is better than your girlfriend”

  1. Your computer might also crash taking out hours of work, precious photos, and important documents. All the fun of dating a psycho with none of the sex.

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