Bad Bits bit the dust

OK, it’s official.  Bad Bits is history for the time being.  The host, has said they will not reinstate the domain hosting unless I remove WordPress, which is what makes it run.  So, I canceled service with them. 

I’m now in the process of trying to find another host at a reasonable price that will allow the content I had there.  Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t see how a site that generates 7,000 – 8,000 hits a day (average) with spikes to 20,000, can’t run on a shared server.  Bits & Pieces runs on a shared server and it gets more than 30,000 hits a day –  every day.  I’m using the same software and mostly the same plugins on both sites.

I’m not giving up on this. ( I had a busy weekend and had no spare time to really work on this, but things are clearing up now.)   I may not be able to use the Bad Bits name, (because I canceled the service without unlocking the name) but I’m working in the problem.

Stay tuned….

27 thoughts on “Bad Bits bit the dust”

  1. I know why, its because they couldn’t handle the awesomeness that was bad bits. I’ll miss it, and still have it bookmarked for when it does come back. Bring it back soon!

  2. Just another chime in on ‘I’m gonna miss it too!’ Good luck on getting it back up & running, but, at least we still have our ‘bit & pieces’ in the meantime!!!

  3. I’d be more than willing to host your site(s) for you. Let me know what kind of bandwidth you need, and I’ll see what I can do for you.

  4. Want to try things out on my dedicated server? I can get you set up and running in a couple hours if you’d like to try it out for a while and then see if you want to get your own. email me at the email on this comment if you’d like to try it out!

  5. I AM so sorry to hear that….I looked forward to exploring that site just before balancing my checkbook, paying bills, going to the dentist, etc. Bad Bits was my teaspoon of sugar.

  6. You should still be able to transfer the name – it is registered to you, not to them.
    When you find new hosts you simply transfer the nameservers over to your new hosts.

  7. I’ve had great luck with Liquid Web. Good hosting, reasonable prices and I’ve never seen them ask questions about stuff…

  8. Breaking News: Infidel was just taken to emergency grief counseling in an ambulance.
    And I agree with the Crispy one too.

  9. enjoyed Bad Bits. can’t wait to see some more bits, naughty or bad, I just want to see some bits

  10. Since ‘Bad Bits’ is basically just a series of pictures with captions, would it be absolutely insane of me to suggest that you create a nice page template, and manually paste in your image URLs and caption text? You could even still have comments if you can find a simple free guestbook/comment host and IFRAME them in at the bottom of the pages. WordPress is indeed a bit overkill just for a web gallery of funny pictures, even though your webhost is absolutely BS-ing you about crashing their server.

  11. You know, one of the things to check out is that no one is hotlinking your images…
    Anyway, I love my host and I’ve had them for years.
    They have WordPress as an install already and they support it for you if you like. I use my own version, but you don’t HAVE to. Not sure if they have any content issues, other than no porn. While Bad Bits was naughty, it wasn’t porn.
    Anyway, good luck.

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