9 thoughts on “Expensive HDMI cables are a ripoff”

  1. Excellent Post!! And couldn’t be more truthful. I used to be in the electronics business and people were so often taken in by these scams, it was very frustrating. The other one was extended warranties. People would save $10 on a DVD player by going to the big box, then spend $150 on crap they didn’t need and then leave with a smile on their face.

  2. When LCD TVs were first coming out, they tried to sell me one of these cables at Best Buy for $129.00. I told the salesman where to put his overpriced cable.

  3. I’m so ashamed. I use Monster cables on my 50″ plasma, but they were $25.00 each on Amazon.

  4. The only inaccuracy in the poster is that the science really doesn’t back up the claims for the standard cables, either.

  5. I agree that Monster Cables are way too expensive, but I wouldn’t buy the cheapest cables either, the materials might not last too long on the cheap ones.

  6. Cheap cables might not last as long if you are constantly moving them and re-attaching them to different devices but as you can pick them up for $4 it’s no hardship going to buy another really.

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