8 thoughts on “Circle of fear”

  1. Category wrong. I don’t know what the right one is, but “funny” is not it.

    But I won’t demand that you be stoned.

  2. I can’t be the only one who doesn’t need to offend people to find something funny, am I? :/ Making jokes is one thing, but when it uses the actual arguments of its detractors…it just becomes poor taste.

  3. Don’t you know that if you make fun of Jesus or Elvis, you’re going to hell?

    Seriously though, I laughed. Nicely played.

  4. Who exactly does this offend? Jesus? The guy died almost 2000 years ago. And if he was alive, he would be much more offended by some things done in his name than by this.


  5. “Making jokes is one thing, but when it uses the actual arguments of its detractors…it just becomes poor taste.”

    I believe that makes it that much more funny.

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