Texan Richard Carter took a Volvo, 5 miles of wire, five 6-volt golf cart batteries, a screw drive mechanism using 12v DC reversible motor, a lifting frame he made from scratch, a Linux server and approximately two hundred synchronized singing fish, and created what can only be described as an awesomely effective assault on good taste.
Those seaweedish cars can’t carry a tuna.
Dick goes to town in a fishy Volvo. Doesn’t sound too appealing either way you read that.
They’re flat fish in plaices. They cod use a tuna – particularly in the sole ohs.
Sorry to carp on.
I liked hearing the guitars. Especially the Fender bass.
I think I’ll just skate over that one.
This guy has put the carp arts together with the precision of a sturgeon.
Carp arts! Brilliant Maffu!
Ana used to drive this to troll for sharkly-dressed guys with mussels near her school, and she’d always wave when she’d sea them.
She had a whale of a good time until she lost the tidal to it…I never could fathom why.
Eventually she got a job doing lighthousekeeping and now she’s happy as a clam in her new Stingray.
I think DJ went a little overboard.
I went cruising for mermaids in that car once. I pulled a mussel.
Scott – Yeah old chum, I tried so hard I think I blew a seal. Feeling a little green around the gills. I might need to see a dock.
ROTF, you guys are really deep.
*Waves at Bella*
I like the orcastra, but the song needs more wheel rim-shots and cast-a-nets. And it should be played in the car key of sea.
*^~^~^Waves^~^~^~ back at DJ*
Scott – They floated that idea at Atlantic Records, but the sails were not good. They never netted enough to keep the idea afloat, and I have an ocean that they went belly up.
Bella you shore have a lot of groupers here at Bits & Pisces and I don’t think that’s a fluke!
Thanks for adding our video guys..
Just for your info, the original post is here: