User comment editing test

I’m trying out a plugin that allows the user (you) to Edit a comment after you hit the Submit Comment button.  You’re given 5 minutes to edit your comment, then it becomes locked.

You can also request that your post be deleted.  If you hit that button a dialog box comes up and asks you why you want to delete it.  After you answer, the post is removed and sent to the administrator for moderation.  Then I can remove the post permanently for you.

If all works well and it doesn’t conflict with other plugins I’ll add it to the other sites too.

Hopefully this will make little Mike F. happy.   🙂

7 thoughts on “User comment editing test”

  1. I wonder what kind of unethical and unconstitutional backroom shenanigans went on to make this happen??

    Oh wait…I thought I was on a different site…

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