26 thoughts on “Treat religion like it’s your genetalia”

  1. It’s a touchy subject, but women seem to bring it up first.

    It’s up, now touch there, ok now there, oh yeah…

  2. Sure, perpetuate the discrimination against Christians. This is why free speech is dead in the US. It’s OK to spread pornography, filth and unhealthy behavior but don’t let anyone talk about God or Christ. Hypocrites.

  3. Anony, (I thought it said annoy),
    Your comment wasn’t deleted, but since you’re a first-time commenter, it was held for moderation, which is the standard procedure (to help avoid spam comments).
    I approved your comment as soon as I saw it. (I do have other things to do too.)
    Jumping to conclusions pretty quick there aren’t you?

  4. And while we’re on the subject, what the Hell are you talking about? Free speech allows people to disagree with you… or me.
    To me, all this is saying is don’t force your religious beliefs down my throat. I don’t care what you believe, you’re free to worship who or whatever you want, but it’s not your place to tell me what I should believe.

  5. @Anony: Not only did you jump to conclusions about your comment having been deleted, but you’re reading this as only pertaining to Christians.

    Does it say anything regarding Christianity in particular? No.

    It about religion in general.

    It’s interesting that the major US religion is Christianity and yet you’ve got some weird persecution complex. Get over yourself.

  6. Interesting to see the vile Pelosi praying today. Who the hell is St. Joseph, anyway? Must be somebody bigger than God…maybe even bigger than Barack. This should get the libs angry, eh?…Praying?? Church/state separation??
    Oh wait…it’s ok if libs do it…the old “do as I say, not as I do” thing, you know.

  7. It’s a disturbing metaphor, that’s for sure, but out of line? Hardly. I find the comparison very appropriate. Bottom line: Keep your religion to yourself.

  8. thats way out of line. makes me wonder what kind of sites your visiting to gather such trash.

    I find religion, and those who want me to swallow its bilious filth, “way out of line.” But I have to put up with it, and its followers, all the time. I have to be “tolerant” of it because people like you get offended when their fairy tales are ridiculed.

    I used to be really tolerant of people’s religious beliefs. I swear…but not anymore. You are free to believe whatever crap you want, because this is America.

    But I am free to make fun of it, for the same reason. Nonbelievers are offended on a daily basis by religion.

    It deserves all the scorn that it receives. Xtian persecution is a myth.

  9. I think it’s a good post, and for people who don’t like it, no ones forcing you to visit the site. I think Jonco should be able to post what he wants without everyone getting offended…I do have to say though, it is kind of entertaining when people go crazy in the comments section 😀
    And DJ, of all the posts I have read of yours, I don’t necessarily agree with a lot of it, but i think you always checkmate people with your arguments, which is quite cool. I always enjoy reading what you have to say. 🙂

  10. Kylie – How unexpected was that?? I’m surprised and honored.

    Here’s a little secret…I don’t always totally agree with everything I say either LOL :0 But I was taught to always try to see both all sides of issues…to walk all the way around them and to listen to everyone. Sometimes that means I can’t make up my mind 100%, either.

    Today I found it fascinating that the US Speaker of the House publicly prayed for divine help in passing federal legislation…if a conservative did/does that, they are mocked mercilessly, called names, and accused of violating the Constitution(‘s imaginary “separation” clause) and creating a theocracy. A liberal does it, and the media and liberals make huge efforts to not notice. I never hear Pelosi’s name come up in those discussions.

    This site makes us laugh and think. Often at the same time. Thanks.

  11. It amazes me that someone who is so terribly offended would take the time to post a comment. If it bothers you so much just go on to the next post or leave the site all together. Do you write to the producers of every TV show that offends you?

  12. Hey I’m Catholic, but I agree with this post. Trying to shove it down people’s throats is annoying and doesn’t do anyone any favours. Saying “we’re out there and this is the belief we share” is enough, people are free to decide for themselves.

    Anony, I didn’t automatically think of Christianity when I read the post, get over it. I do agree with you that the world is going down the toilet, but it has been doing that since the beginning of time, it’s nothing new. Don’t be concerned about other people’s choices in life, if you’re Christian then you believe that everyone’s Judgement will come. So don’t throw stones.

    Troglodyke, I find people like you just as annoying as Anony. You couldn’t help saying “fairy tale” could you? People like you are always putting down people with religious beliefs like a bunch of bullies. Always trying to make us feel inferior to YOUR view, as if we have a low IQ and thus we believe in something higher than ourselves. I come from a family of professors, doctors and engineers, and I’m an engineer and computer scientist myself, so don’t you DARE say my intelligence is somehow below you. I am ALWAYS being offended by people shoving the words “fairy tale” down my throat then laughing at me like I am inferior because they have the “intellect to understand how wrong I am” (I get this a lot because I work with other engineers and scientists). Until you follow a religion you will not understand what it is like to have faith in something, as much as you probably think you do. You’re just as bad as the religious fanatics so spare your bully tactics and shut up. And that goes for all you self-righteous religious freaks too, shut up! Oh, hey, that’s what the post is all about after all. I like it Jonco.

  13. (BTW apparently it takes 15 characters for a comment to go through. I had to stick a comma in my comment to get it through)

  14. Regarding the matter of whether this singles out Christians or not, I would like to point out that it appears the boy in the photo is holding a Bible. If the point is to talk about religion in general, then perhaps it would have been better to leave out any symbol of any particular religion.

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