First week stats for Bad Bits

Here are the stats for the first week of Bad Bits.  It went live about 2 pm last Friday and I took this stat snapshot about 8 pm this Friday night (tonight), so trechnically it’s a few hours over from Friday to Friday.  But if you count all the down time it’s probably a fair estimate for the first week.


9 thoughts on “First week stats for Bad Bits”

  1. If I may be so presumptuous, I believe it’s because Chick and I are looking at the nekkid guys…again, and again, and again….

    I’m sorry Chick! Am I wrong? 🙂

  2. I confess, I check B&P every day, sometimes more than once. I may have been to BoW twice? I’ve been to Bad almost every day.

    I guess I’d rather be Bad than have Wisdom. Sorry. And thanks!

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