Alistair from the U.K writes:
Our son Lewis is studying Fine Art at University in Dundee, Scotland. A recent Brief called upon the Students to produce an image to illustrate an event which was either Mythical, Mystical, Legendary, or actual Historical Fact.
I have attached the image Lewis produced.
It would be interesting to hear the comments of others outwith Lewis’ peers, tutors & family etc., which could all be added to his submission.
Could you possibly post this on B&P and ask the diverse crew of Escaped Mental Patients, Deviants and otherwise Sane Intelligent Beings that make up the B&P Commenters (Usual Suspects!) to add a few words in response to what the picture conjures up in their mind?
Click to enlarge
As a student who spent a day in a Myth Ritual and Society class before dropping it I would say the person in the center represents that of a ghost and the others around him are mourning his loss.
Looks like he’s at some sort of seance before it’s gotten started, with him being the leader already getting into the proper frame of mind. Interesting picture.
The first thing that came to my mind was, “Judas! Try the plum wine” but I’m not sure how many people will get that.
The firelight to the right looks great. It reminds me of the painter Georges de la Tour.
Last supper meets clockwork orange with a hint of apocalypse now
I, too, thought, “modern variant of last supper.”
Makes me think of that terrifying moment when you realize that you are at the party but your mind is at work, Youth lost not to be recovered you are now an adult son…
i agree with everyone else. last supper is what popped in my head first
OK, who farted?!
It looks like a bunch of folks waiting for the power to come back on. But it’s still daylight outside!
I’m with everyone else on the “Last Supper” bit…
my first thought was a wake or all of us at infidel’s engagement party.
I can ‘get’ the Last Supper, too – but I think it looks like a group of young people mourning the loss of a friend – perhaps the guy in the center.
Looks like an intervention for a guy no-one cares about…
It looks to me like they are mourning the loss of a friend too. Very sad faces and comforting each other.
LOL @ ALN about Infi’s engagement party. ROTF.
First I thought, “being alone in a group of people”. Then looking again, like a try at a modern last supper.
But being alone in a group of people the most 🙂
The last supper makes sense with the guy leaning on the back of the couch. Mostly, I get “Me.”
Breathtaking, the use of light is fantastic. Obvious thoughts are the Last Supper, but an much more relevant take on it.
Mythical: The election victory party for an honest politician!
Neat! Obviously a modern take on The Last Supper. I agree that the lighting is fantastic. It could have so just been a random shot at a get-together, but the lighting, the positioning of the people and the somber/thoughtful looks on their faces really makes it what it is. I like it!
Now I ask: how long did all the prep for that take?
The term “sausage fest” comes to mind.
My first thought was that the guy in the center got cold feet on his wedding day, his friends have just spent the past four hours “wtf”ing and trying to figure out “now what?”
And yeah…I was immediately struck by the lighting.
And what was that crack about “sane intelligent beings”? C’mon Alistair…you new here or something?? 🙂
last supper maybe, the first thought was an afternoon after school,in the 70s, HEY?? IS THAT THE COPS OUTSIDE?
At first thought I was thinking about they are possibly getting the whole funeral thing on the road- with the preparations and all. Look’s like everyone is trying to comfort each other- but the guy in the middle is just blank; emotionless and without words to let others contemplate how he feels- whether it’s guilt or just mourning.
But at second thought- I can see how the “modern day” Last Supper could come into effect- I guess it’s all in how and what you interpret it to be.
A wake maybe? A remembrance of a tragic death?
The image suggested three possibilities to me:
1. The central figure is illuminated by the awareness that the scene is being observed by the viewer.
2. There is a ghost in the picture, but it’s the background figure in the hoodie, and we’re seeing the moment his spirit/essence/whatever makes some kind of “contact” with the central figure.
3. If we want to push the needle all the way to “macabre,” the central figure is the only one really there, and those around him are regrets, memories, or ghosts of lost acquaintances.
Bad photographer is what was conjured up.
Don’t people know how to take pics in bad light conditions?
The criteria: Mythical, Mystical, Legendary, or actual Historical Fact. pretty much lets anything go.
Guy in center looks a bit like Roger Daltrey, so “Tommy”, maybe?
Anyway, fixed pic added.
Looks like they are waiting for nightfall to start a seance.
One word, Loneliness.
Brevity is a good thing! 😀
Last supper it is. Its like they know they will be mourning tomorrow.
I hope your son its not the one in the center, because he looks reeeeally high….
I would have to agree that it looks like the last supper
Grumpy, your version sucks booty! You honestly think yours is better? You’re delusional. The lighting is quite nice, really leads the eyes.
My first thought was definitely The modern Last Supper.
My first thought is Loneliness with a touch of unhappiness mixed in. Then I read the blurb properly and also thought it looks like a variation of the last supper. I like the addition of a woman. Very controversial!
The “lighting” is becuz the camera is aimed at the bright window. Y’all are delusional to think this is even meaningful.
Don’t quit your day job Sone G
Well Grumpy, obviously that isn’t generally the best lighting, but assuming this is an interpretation of the Last Supper, I’m assuming the window was intentional, since that is how is set up in the painting…
ok, if you wanna thing that, I still say he’s a lousy photographer.
I’m with Sone. The lighting sets the mood of an old painting, so I say to grumpy, Good Day, Sir…
Ooo Last Supper indeed!
you guys are mental, it’s a lousy picture. Period.
IF it was TRYING to be “Last Supper”. it’s still a lousy picture
Sorry Lewis, I know this doesn’t help you at all.
Maybe it just sounded like a seance at the Last Supper when the Jews were inadvertantly served Pickle Surprise! They were complaining and complaining about the Ham.
Did you say… Ham?!
Hammm… Hammmm… Hammmm… Hammm
I guess Kosher Pickle Suprise would have had corned beef.
Thanks to everyone for your contributions. Every bit as interesting and diverse as I’d hoped it would be. Thanks again.
It is the last supper but modern. Love it.
Bob Dylan writes a song while surrounded by friends. Possibly “Tangled up in Blue”. I would consider that to be meet all the catagories except mythical
Grumpy, you don’t have to try and change anybody’s view or opinion here, just contribute your own…ungrumpy like. Sheeeesh, mental???
Were we right Alistair MacLeod? Is it the last supper?
I think Grumpy is just living up to his name. Grumpy by name and all that…
bitscared, yes you were right on the Last Supper. It’s been great of you all to put so much into this. Thanks.
I wouldn’t worry about Grumpy…..there’s always one!
I just read Bella’s note, ha ha. Like I said, Escaped Mental Patients, Deviants, & otherwise Sane Intelligent Beings…..
Thanks. Alistair
Maybe Dan Brown could write a book based on this.
Grumpy, you need to calibrate your monitor.
If everyone in the room is telling you that the lighting is fine and you come up with something that makes the image practically transparent, there’s something wrong with either your vision or your monitor.
Do not feed the trolls.