This was fun the last time we did it (last June).
So, paste the contents of your clipboard in a comment.
Explain it if you wish.
This was fun the last time we did it (last June).
So, paste the contents of your clipboard in a comment.
Explain it if you wish.
Sent this video to a friend. If you haven’t seen it you should. Effing hilarious.
An office-mate called Ben.he is gay. everybody calls him ben-dover. i was looking to make a website for him. but it was already take by Dr. Benjamin Dover
Researching autism for a client =]
Oh my… well, I went to that website, then I found it to be interesting so I showed it to a friend of mine.
“Pourquoi on l’appelle le Pont Neuf si c’est le pont le plus vieux qui traverse la Seine ?”
That was lucky. Makes me look clever AND worldly. Could just as easily been porn.
heh nothing really to explain here ;D
I wish I hadn’t looked. You’ll wish the same.
At this, I mean…
tracking # for my new video camera.
Joey, have you ever been in a… in a Turkish prison?
I copied this from imdb to paste a comment on Mike Firesmith’s LiveJournal about the death of Peter Graves.
Converted Cost Center
Not very exciting…
$(‘#ucLDHRule_chkLastDayHours’).attr(‘checked’, false);
Scott – That comment ^ was kinda short.
Yeah how did I do that? ;p
CD88.pdf is Double Hung Insert Info and pages 10 & 11 will have
There was nothing on my clipboard so far today.
[email protected] says:
Some random guy sent me an instant message last night. I was looking him up 😛
où un est vigilant tout le temps
lool was doing french homework
“Callipygian” On just about any given questionnaire there is a place to click ‘other’, I then write in Callipygian.
It means, “having well-shaped buttocks”.
haha! pasting b&p post on facebook!
Well this is all I have:
You got a bonus in celebration of Luke Plaisance’s recent achievement:$4,500,000
1 Wiretap Device
*Facebook Mafia Wars* LOL
9101 1480 0860 0637 4777 36
LW104078 $170,000
169 Puma Rd. White
That’s the part number of a barcode card of a Lexmark X644e or X646e/dte multifunction printer for the French market.
Exciting huh?
“Don’t worry. I’ll find it. That’s what I do, find things. I find you annoying. See?”
this will get you there:
Pineapple Upside Down Cake
“Ironically, global warming will prove out when hell freezes over.”
It was a Dennis Miller comment
LOL… I shared this with a friend the other day. Do I win any points for mine being a bitsandpieces link??!!?!11 ‘Cause I totally should… Just sayin….
Mee, you win my undying admiration and thanks. What more could you want?
I watched Star Wars yesterday so I looked him up on Twitter to tell him how awesome he was as an Ewok.
i wana go to the concert!
“read over your RPQ2 and see how you can clarify this. Somehow, when I read the paper it was not clear to me. May be it is how you wrote it. In the assignment mentione the course you took on social enterprise. once you do that you don’t have to mention theories and modles. It will be understood that the sources you are using are from the course that you learned about social enterprise.”
This is an actual email from my graduate school advisor. I was sending it to a friend to illustrate why I feel like my MA is meaningless. (funny video i shared with a friend).
Always make me smile ^_^
“The screenplay for this film, starring Jamie Foxx and set in Saudi Arabia, had his FBI team blowing up.” “What is Miami Vice?”
I just watched Jeopardy and found this answer highly amusing.
Yellowknife all the way to Chucktaw!
part of a comment I made on a photoshopped picture of my boss that makes him look like an Ice Road Trucker from Alaska.
You ride a horse rather less well than another horse would. Your brain would make a grain of sand look large and ungainly and the part of you that can’t be mentioned, I am reliably informed by women around the Court, wouldn’t be worth mentioning even if it could be.
(Black Adder quote day on Facebook)
los perros tienen dueños, los gatos tienen staff.
boring huh?
“Pose: LAP – Rock Solid, Skins: Belleza – Thomas Med Release Group Gift, Shape: Dopplegänger Shapes – Syler Shape(male), Clothes: Tea Lane – Oscar Nerd V-neck, Eyes: Tea Lane – Dark Brown Eyes(sqsm)”
This was the credits for what my avatar was wearing in a past blog. I used the basic details to plug in the new details for today’s blog. This blog is for hair fashions in SecondLife.!/photo.php?pid=3558124&id=68017142990&ref=nf&fbid=360128847990
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