Announcing Bad Bits

BadBits1I’m pleased to announce a new member of the Bits & Pieces family…. 
Bad Bits.  It was quite the dilemma getting it up and running, but it’s finally here.

While scouring for Bits and Pieces and Bits of Wisdom I was running across things that were terribly funny but inappropriate for the audience that these sites had developed. 

Bad Bits carries some of the more offbeat, irreverent, disgusting, gross, sick, sexual stuff that isn’t found on our other sites.  Bad Bits is probably NSFW, unless you work at home or in a unique kind of environment.  I realize it won’t be for everyone and that’s understandable.  It will lean towards the humorous but won’t always be funny.  You can read about the efforts getting it up and running on the About Bad Bits page.

Thanks for supporting B&P and BoW the way you have.  I hope you enjoy Bad Bits.

Keep in mind that first-time comments are held for moderation, but once they’re approved your comments should go up right away. 

 Check it out…  Bad Bits

81 thoughts on “Announcing Bad Bits”

  1. Infidel, I stole this from Badbits to help you pass the time until Jonco gets the site back up. Go to Google and type in ‘That’s sexy’ and hit I’m Feeling Lucky.

  2. Wow, I shoulda held my breath. It’s up again. And Scott was right. There was one comment – His.. and then it broke. Thanks Scott!

  3. Jonco, I’m only getting the homepage there now. I can’t go to the second page or leave comments, in case you want to know.

  4. I think I just fixed that. It had to do with permalinks. That was the problem once when I was trying to get it up and running. But I figured out how to fix it yesterday. Not sure why I had to do it again today. But it seems to be working now.

  5. boobies boobies boobies boobies boobies boobies boobies

    kittens kitten kitten kittens kittens kittens kittens

  6. Deb, were you trying to leave it at Bad Bits? You left it here and it went to the spam folder for some reason… probably the repeating kittens. 🙂

  7. BB should be a big hit since 99% of us stumbled onto B&P after using ‘sex’ as one of the keywords. Admit it you sick people. Not me though. 😉

  8. No I meant to leave it in this post. usually it will say “awaiting moderation” and it didn’t this time.

    that song is stuck in my head since I’ve watched it.

  9. I am reporting TO this site for…wait, there are only four types of pornography there? Just four? WTF?? C’mon Jonco, you gotta try harder! And Jonco…I also hope you have a great day. Sir.

  10. That site is disgusting. I can’t believe ya’ll are taking part in it. I’m going to have to visit it 2-3 times per day (5-6 on weekends and holidays) for the next few years to see if it shocks my tender sensibilities.

  11. This site is a degradation of moral values nothing is sacred anymore I am highly offended and I will tell all my friends about what you are doing and to not visit this site of corruption! I BID YOU GOOD DAY SIR

  12. We may never see infidel on B&P again. He’s probably collecting all his porn to send to Jonco and making a new busty avatar for BB right now.

  13. You’re right Gary. How many times is Mac going to come back? What’s he doing in between posts? Pulling his pudding? What a disgusting, immoral perv, he is. And why the h3ll is he telling Jonco what kind of day to have? Jonco can have any kind of day that he wants to. Who are you Mac?

  14. I think Mac is being ironic. I have a feeling the “I bid you good day, sir. Good day I say” is from a comedy sketch but I can’t place it.

  15. This is truly a sign that there is no goodness left in the world. I am surprised to see this is still here as I have already reported it to the highest authorities. Oh well, I see there is no one left to think of the children and the expectant mothers now except for me, that is very sad. Such an evil website of sin! Well there is only one thing to do and that is to BID YOU GOOD DAY SIR. I SAY GOOD DAY, I SAY.

  16. Richard, I was thinking Monty Python as well, but couldn’t place the skit. I think the fact that Mac keeps coming back to bid us good day is a pretty good indication he’s joking.

  17. Nah, its from “That 70’s Show”, a sitcom about teens. The foreigner, “Fez”, whose name and home country are never known, hispanic. Kind of a running joke. NICE SITE JONCO!

  18. DAMN YOU Scott, I knew I should not of done that ,Im gonna be sick all weekend thats one of the worst things I have ever seen on the net,and I have seen some really gross things,my eyes NOOOOOOOOOO

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