I’m pleased to announce a new member of the Bits & Pieces family….
Bad Bits. It was quite the dilemma getting it up and running, but it’s finally here.
While scouring for Bits and Pieces and Bits of Wisdom I was running across things that were terribly funny but inappropriate for the audience that these sites had developed.
Bad Bits carries some of the more offbeat, irreverent, disgusting, gross, sick, sexual stuff that isn’t found on our other sites. Bad Bits is probably NSFW, unless you work at home or in a unique kind of environment. I realize it won’t be for everyone and that’s understandable. It will lean towards the humorous but won’t always be funny. You can read about the efforts getting it up and running on the About Bad Bits page.
Thanks for supporting B&P and BoW the way you have. I hope you enjoy Bad Bits.
Keep in mind that first-time comments are held for moderation, but once they’re approved your comments should go up right away.
Check it out… Bad Bits
the part of me that’s a 13 year old boy is laughing. Good job!!
Thanks Alan for fixing that for infidel. Hahahaha!!
Thanks for this exiting new site!!!
Well, exiting for Mac anyway. GOOD DAY!
LOL @ Scott. ( I see what you did there.)
@ Scott: You’re welcome! :¬D
Jonco – you know how to supply to masses
Loving the new site ~Thanks Jonco
Awesome! Could we have a link to it in the sidebar too? (like we do for BoW)
I’m glad you’re expanding your empire!
I love your site, visit every day, but seriously…
You hadn’t thought of calling it Naughty bits?
Lol, Joe. That’s classic. I vote to rename!
now I’m going to have to come up with banner ideas
Dab, I’m open to reader submitted header images.
A little Dab’ll do ya…
And it’ll be a GOOD DAY, SIR!
Dab?? LOL. That’s what I get for posting a comment with my phone while at a St. Pat’s party. The beer didn’t have anything to do with it. It should have read “Deb”.
Great new site!!!…………but …the dreaded but but … dont forget to leave a few teaser’s at bits and pieces.I now have 1 more site to check in the morning before work!!!!!
Dead animals are NOT funny
Unaqble to connect to it.
Unable to connect to it.
Larry, I got the same message. They said the server was being rebooted. It’s back up now.
down again ………………………there longer now
Hmmmm….Not good.
It pry got overloaded because of all of us porn aficionados all running to go visit it.
DAMN IT who the hell crashed bad bits
Dead animals ARE funny…depending on how they died. And if there were funny sound effects when it happened. For cryin’ out loud…lighten up. Now, I’ve gotta barricade the door against the angry mob from PETA. And check the steak on the grill.
PETA= people eat tasty animals
Friday morning UK time. Bad Bits has disappeared to be replaced with an under development sign.
Still Can’t get to Bad Bits.
Its back now! Hooray
I recently started similar blog http://www.mightyass.com (also NSFW adult humor). Let me know if you’d like to exchange links.