28 thoughts on “Are you smarter or stoopider than average?”

  1. I got a 24, but some of the questions are just stupid. I can’t answer questions about pop music because I don’t watch MTV, I don’t listen to the radio, and I don’t live in the US. I can’t answer questions about cars because I don’t drive and I don’t care.

    What bonehead thought questions like these indicate intelligence?

  2. 24 also! But Ozzy, in my 2nd I’ve got 29! 😛
    And the question about prime numbers has 2 possible answers! 33 and 9

  3. I got 24 but some of the questions i had to guess as they were things only Americans should know
    I think??
    I Hope
    Maybe i’m Stoopid?
    hey wait a minute thats NOT how you spell stupid..

  4. Pop music on MTV? Yeah right, maybe if MTV stood for Music Television lmao. That would be cool though. Someone should come up with a tv channel just for pop music and videos.

  5. @Reader 14 year old girls and people to listen to alternative music. Fall Out Boy broke up and My Chem booted their drummer anyway. IDK why Alternative Press thought it was a big deal but I heard about it from them.

    but yea that kind of made me go ew. I hate that song. so much. blech. In 5 years no one will ever admit to having liked them. so we must wait.

  6. I have a 23. That was with shouting cooking directions into the kitchen for one child making dinner and listening to another ask where the tape is for a school project instead of looking for tape.

  7. Stupid test. More trivia than intelligence. Crispy is right. I don’t care about music either and I got a bunch of those wrong. I don’t drink either and I missed all the beer ones.

  8. 25… 38.1% smarter than average

    Apparently not being up to date on my pop music and car manufacturers has a negative effect on my intelligence. I can live with that

  9. Sounds like a lot of sore losers, but this test was American-centric.

    I got a 24 (34.1% smarter than average), so I guess I am with some of the smart asses around here…

  10. I got a score of 29 which proves what a trivia geek I am. I actually play in trivia tournaments by myself so that I don’t have to argue with teammates. Yep, a wealth of knowledge like the Everglades (50 miles wide and 6 inches deep).

  11. Yeah I have the same problem. When you start knowing which are the main languages spoken by Amazonian tribes and which is the oldest paved road in the world, your friends start thinking you’re a smartass.

  12. @Luis – Now that I’ve looked back over the quiz, the question was “What number is not prime?” Of the choices, 9 is the only one that is not prime. 33 was not an option.

  13. My score was 23, making me 24.3% smarter. I’m so glad I had that encyclopaedia for breakfast 😀

  14. @Richard: DAYUM, the 3 times I saw that question I read 33! I have issues with the nymber 3, for sure O:)

  15. testcafe.com/iqtest is a great IQ (not trivia)test. Lots of fun scored 135 on my first try (didn’t cheat and didn’t re-test). You should take a look!

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