Sunday Open Mic

MicrophoneI have a busy day today.  Since the weather is pretty nice here, if I can awaken Charlotte from her winter hibernation, we may ride out to Union MO (a little over an hour away) and meet with friends and plan our summer bike trips. Then back home for a family birthday gathering for my niece.  (Happy birthday Jamie!)

Banned:  I’m not sure what the heck was going on last night with the banning thing.  I get a couple hundred spam messages a day.  I can usually add an IP address or email link to a “ban” list and I don’t get that particular spam anymore.  There are ways to get around that though… it’s not foolproof.  One of the more proficient spammers is someone called Effonecem.  He uses a variety of IP addresses and so far I haven’t been able to ban him.  You guys never see his posts because they’re always put into my spam folder and I manually delete them.  I just can’t get him (and a few others) to be banned automatically.  I made a couple of changes to see if that goes away.

Major announcement:  Early this coming week I’ll be making an announcement about some new things from B&P Central.

You guys have a great day!  And, be careful out there!

Sticky post

27 thoughts on “Sunday Open Mic”

  1. I received the BANNED message and deleted my cookies and got in fine. Not sure how you can communicate that to someone currently banned though.

  2. Paul we need to talk the arctic into lighting a match when it passes gas and that would take care of the problem.

  3. My husband is going on a huge Car Rally later this year, The Peking to Paris, and he and the guy who owns the car have started a web page. It is not much right now but it will evolve as they get closer to the leave date.
    Mr Bits is the navigator and riding mechanic. It is all very exciting!! So here is the link.

  4. Not that any of this matters…

    A cached ‘Banned’ page that google happened to get on Feb 25:

    And the only other thing that I can find about ‘effonecem’ outside of B&P: (I wonder if ‘adoppipse’ is something else to be concerned about? Or could just be a bunch of nonsense there.)

  5. Paul – I’ll try to be quick, because I can hear eyes rolling all over B&P Land. First off, that first link is over a year old. Since that article, the CRU at the Univ. of E. Anglia in UK has been exposed as a fraud, using selective and falsified data; temperature data not conforming to the results the scientists wanted was thrown out or changed, NASA has admitted to mistakes in data collection and calculation; photos have been published of temperature monitoring equipment in the middle of asphalt parking lots, roadsides, and next to the hot exhaust of air conditioning units; the UN’s IPCC has admitted to huge errors regarding sea levels in Holland and to inventing figures about the “melting” of Himalayan glaciers; and on & on it goes. Every week more lies are uncovered. So the opinions of people studying fictional, fraudulent, and falsified data produced by agenda-driven organizations means nothing.

    Your second linked article is filled with if, could, may, & probably. The article states: “As global temperatures have risen, the winter ice cover over the Great Lakes has shrunk.” Paul, I live about a dozen miles from one of our Great Lakes, and it froze over completely this winter for the first time since 1995. And the last sentence is kind of important, I think: “Scientists are still a long way from being able to make accurate projections about the future of the global climate.” In other words, there’s a lot of plain old guessin’ going on. You’ll remember that a few years ago, those same scientists were guessing that we were in for cataclysmic Global Cooling.

    The third linked article talks about the methane deposits under the Arctic seabed. Those deposits are from 1500 feet to over 6000 feet below the ocean floor. In ΒΆ8 it talks about sea levels and climate changes “throughout Earth’s history.” Again, the article ends with if, assume, might, and the sentence “The climatic consequences of this are hard to predict.” Nowhere in that article does it say anything about man-caused global warming. There is now some speculation that the natural leaks of methane actually are the cause of the rise and fall in ocean temperatures, not a symptom of them, as they have occurred and reoccurred throughout Earth’s history.

    If you think we have the ability to affect/change the natural geological processes of the Earth that have occurred since the dawn of time, why isn’t the UN or Suddenly Silent Al or Congress doing something about volcanoes, or that pesky earthquake problem?

    Lake Erie, Jan 2010:

  6. there are a lot of hot chicks on the mugshot page, but i never see them. You guys must be scaring them off.

  7. Sorry bout that. Paul made me do it. Let’s get back to important things. Hey Jonco, did you get Ana’s mug shot?

  8. Bitsy – I’ve added the Mr.B’s RSS to my home page.
    (Could be helpful to know when that lucky dude is out-of-town for a month…)

  9. I thought of you today. Tons of people were biking through Washington. I may have saw you. Hope you made it to Union. I hope you hit up 94, that’s a great drive.

  10. Uh oh. I made a no-no. I forgot to downsize my photo up there^.
    Don’t ban me!! Do what you gotta–I can take it. Won’t happen again. I hope.

  11. A sister and brother are talking to each other when the little boy gets up and walks over to his Grandpa and says, “Grandpa, please make a frog noise.”

    The Grandpa says, “No.”

    The little boy goes on, “Please…please make a frog noise.”

    The Grandpa says, “No, now go play.”

    The little boy then says to his sister, “Go tell Grandpa to make a frog noise.”

    So the little girl goes to her Grandpa and says, “Please make a frog noise.”

    The Grandpa says, “I just told your brother ‘no’ and I’m telling you ‘no’.”

    The little girl says, “Please…please Grandpa make a frog noise.”

    The Grandpa says, “Why do you want me to make a frog noise?”

    The little girl replied, “Because mommy said when you croak we can go to Disney World!”

    The wife said when she broke wind in her yoga class, she got so embarrassed she didn’t know where to look.

    Of course you wouldn’t woman. Its a fart they’re invisible.

  12. DJ and Paul – There are at least two issues to discuss about the atmosphere. Global warming is a real concern, but is it caused by man or forces that we cannot control, such as volcanos, cows and the Sun? Air pollution is something that is affected very much by man and I wish that more was being done to concentrate on it instead of the more vague “warming.” The two concerns are related, but when Owlgore’s “facts” start to be questioned then the whole discussion becomes tainted to the detriment of improvement.

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