5 thoughts on “Thursday open mic”

  1. I saw one of the black comedians on TV – Eddie Murphy? He told us white folks a joke that we could tell at the water cooler the next day.

    This bear and a rabbit were taking a sh*t in the woods. The bear looked down at the rabbit and asked “Man, do you have a problem getting sh*t on your fur? The rabbit looked up and said “No man, I don’t have a problem with getting sh*t on my fur.” The bear said “Good.” Reached down, grabbed the rabbit, and wiped his but with him.

  2. A few days ago I broke a tooth into bits and pieces. No, it wasn’t bits of wisdom tooth. It caused me to have a dental breakdown.

  3. WARNING – If you receive an email with “Nude Photos of Nancy Pelosi” as the subject, do not open it. It contains nude photos of Nancy Pelosi…

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