I sure can’t wait for Spring here either Bella, it actually snowed in central Texas, and it stayed overnight, that almost never happens.
Another winter storm on the way here…another 6-12″ of snow for Thursday & Friday.
Thanks Bella, I needed that.
The weird thing is we’ve had a great winter. Hardly any cold weather, a skiff of snow now in my backyard, but really f*ck all to what we are used to. You guys are getting blasted. Don’t figure. Hang in there….It Will Be Spring Soon. I’m thinking of you.
Hey, maybe we’ll be the new Palm Springs? Property value…going up.
Wow! 6-10 inches of snow. I’ve really seen quite a variety of weather temps on this trip. It got close to 80 the other day in Port Charlotte. Then while driving north in Florida on Tuesday it went from 70 to 43 in about an hour and a half. This morning in Biloxi, right on the gulf coast (I can see the Gulf of Mexico from my hotel room window) it’s 26F this morning. I have a sack of tangerines in the car. I hope they are OK.
I could get used to warmer weather.
Think Spring DJ. 🙂
I sure can’t wait for Spring here either Bella, it actually snowed in central Texas, and it stayed overnight, that almost never happens.
Another winter storm on the way here…another 6-12″ of snow for Thursday & Friday.
Thanks Bella, I needed that.
The weird thing is we’ve had a great winter. Hardly any cold weather, a skiff of snow now in my backyard, but really f*ck all to what we are used to. You guys are getting blasted. Don’t figure. Hang in there….It Will Be Spring Soon. I’m thinking of you.
Hey, maybe we’ll be the new Palm Springs? Property value…going up.
Wow! 6-10 inches of snow. I’ve really seen quite a variety of weather temps on this trip. It got close to 80 the other day in Port Charlotte. Then while driving north in Florida on Tuesday it went from 70 to 43 in about an hour and a half. This morning in Biloxi, right on the gulf coast (I can see the Gulf of Mexico from my hotel room window) it’s 26F this morning. I have a sack of tangerines in the car. I hope they are OK.
I could get used to warmer weather.