37 thoughts on “News IQ Quiz”

  1. Wow, I got all 12 right. It certainly made my day! The only one I was a little unsure of was the number of Republicans voting on the health care bill. but my guess was correct. Looks like the mornings spent reading two daily newspapers pays off!

  2. I scored a 7, which is above 66% of the population. The really sad thing is that I don’t watch the news. My fellow people scare me at times.

  3. @Buckwheat, studies show NPR listeners always test higher than any other. Look it up if you don’t believe me. And no, I’m not an NPR listener, just stating the facts.

    @Jamez, please go back and re-read the post. It said “News IQ Quiz”, not “IQ Quiz”. Is there a point deduction for that?

  4. 11/12 I got the Dow ones wrong, but then I make $170 a week after taxes and child support. (To be fair, my ex gives me half of my child support in cash, so it’s closer to $230. Best ex ever.)

  5. I got 5, not bad for an English man i think. Wonder how many you guys in the US would get if the questions were about another country, that would interesting.

  6. I was a bit surprised I only got 9, as I usually keep up with whats happening.
    I am happy to report though that the second time around I got all 12.

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