Things look quite a bit better today. When I got there she was in therapy pedaling a stationary bike. I talked briefly with her therapist and she said she’s doing “pretty good”. She may even be close to going back to her apartment. The problem is she doesn’t understand this. She thinks she’s never leaving there and is going to die any day and that’s not soon enough. She has a hearing aid, but it’s been giving her problems… and isn’t working right. She has a hard time understanding anyone. I’m going to try to find out where she got it from and see if I can take it in for them to test or fix it.
I think the biggest problems are her eating abilities and her outlook. I think once she understands that she may be going home soon that her thinking might improve. I am concernd about her weight loss. We need to see if there’s anything we can do about that.
I still haven’t talked to a doctor, but I will try to do that while I’m here.
Thanks for all the kind words and all the thoughts and prayers. It means a lot to me to know you all care so much.
It happens with older people when they go into the hospital like that…especially because she can’t hear well. She’s probably become confused simply because she can’t keep up with what’s being said. And with her eating issues, she’s very weak. Sounds like she’s confused and very, very frightened. Her way of dealing is to decide that she must be dying! Get the hearing aid checked and let her know that she’s going home soon. Hopefully, the doc can help with the eating. Ensure is always good short term.
I also have an aunt who is 94 now and is needing urgently a hearing device. I will be careful to purchase one which doesn´t bring more problems than solutions…hope your aunt will be ok and soon at her home.
Give her a big hug from Brazil.
send her these flowers, too.
I’ve been wearing hearing aids for several years. They helped somewhat, but were far from being perfect. About six months ago, I tried a new pair that was suggested to me by the technician at Costco. They’re called “open” hearing aids. What a difference! These are state-of-the-art devices, and work marvelously! Please check them out before buying any others.
++ to Lynne. I had an employee a couple decades ago. Kind of a joke, pls forgive me. We all knew when the batteries in her two hearing aids were dead. She would just smile and nod. Smile and nod. Be sure that the batts are still good! Hoping the best for your aunt, Jonco.
My Father is very hard of hearing – even when he does understand what I say he processes it quite slowly – I went and got a Quick erase board and erasable marker so I can write down things when he can’t understand when people speak.
He was in the hospital a couple years ago and the staff told me that sometimes when older people are in there they experience confusion (they called it sundowning) and paranoia –
Will continue having you and your aunt in our prayers…
Tell Aunt Iva that she is in our prayers.
I had an aunt like yours but she was totally blind and totally deaf. Visiting her at her nursing home was a wonderful experience. She will grab my hand and would not leave it till it was time to leave. To recognize me she will touch my face, very briefly, and she will know who I was. She will then start asking millions of questions about he family that were responded by shaking her hand up and down to say “yes”, left and right to say “no” and rotating to say “more or less”. She was a wonderful person, and her whole life was caring about the family.
I hope she is not living alone, she may burn the place down. Can you get meals on wheels, they deliver up to twice a day in some places. Poor thing, nuring home?
I took her hearing-aid in and it’s shot. They can rebuild it for not too much so I dropped it off. It’ll take about 5 days but she has an older one that works but isn’t as comfortable so she can manage with that for the time being.
I talked with her nurse and a social worker and got a few things straightened out and feel better about her overall condition.
She was a little more optimistic when I told her that she might be able to go home soon. Of course she wanted to know when. She promised me that she’d try to eat more.
The therapist has to say she’s done with that and then the doctor makes the final decision. I’m going to talk to someone about getting her eyes examined.
Thanks again for all your supportive comments.
Your Aunt Iva is our Aunt Iva.
Hang in there.
So sorry to hear about the illness in your family, please have a meal with Auntie and watch her eat. She should be sitting up as high as possible, and probably on a “soft-mechanical” diet. It’s important that she is not choking on her food as many of the elderly tend to aspirate. Best wishes, I know it’s stressful.
I’m glad things are looking up for aunt Iva. Tell her we at B&P are expecting her recovery. Heck, tell her round here she’s a rock star. Stay strong and positive Jonco.
You’re quite the guy and I’m impressed with all you do for your Aunt. There aren’t many like you anymore. Keep up the good work and take care.Hugs and prayers to you and your Aunt.
so glad to hear she’s doing better!just knowing she’s going home should cheer her up alot!
DJ said it best. I am so pleased to hear about the hearing aid being repaired and that she is being compliant! Things are looking up! xo
Dependent on your Doc’s advice, it might be an idea to get some high protein drinks into her.
Liquid is easier to digest, and if she can get that down, it will give her more strength.
You’ll need a liquidizer, or a good organic source of high protein drinks.
Good luck!
Do they have clubs (for what we call golden oldies) around where she lives, My hubbys nan and aunty used to go a club and had a great time. They were picked up and dropped back home, they had their lunch and company, days out. It really perked them both up.
Sending hugs
My family is going through something very similar with my grandmother. She fell and broke her hip the day before Thanksgiving and has been in rehab ever since. It’s a hard situation to be in, but don’t give up hope. It sounds like you’re her guardian angel.