Tuesday Open Mic

Man with microphoneThis is a rare Tuesday Open Mic.  I’m off to the airport in about 4 inches of snow.  Hopefully my flight won’t be delayed or canceled.  As of 5:30 am my 9:45 flight is “On Time”. 

I’ll try to figure out what’s wrong with the BABBQ page and the inability to post a comment there.  As you may notice there are now 3 such pages I created in order to try to fix the problem.  Scott has found a cached page that will allow the comments to appear on the first BABBQ page in the time being. 

Here’s the link for that.



14 thoughts on “Tuesday Open Mic”

  1. So I was thinking. . . What’s the COOLEST thing that has ever happened to me? In a very rich life of 51 years. I have stood in the street and watched a tornado pass directly over my head – I have photos, and negatives, to prove my idiocy. Never touching down – I’m still alive I have ridden a mule down the face of the Grand Canyon. But. The delivery of the first B1 Bomber to the Air Force. That’s it.

    Thousands of us, gathered on the side of the runway. The announcer talking about the plane. Then. “The B1 will arrive in 60 seconds.” Talk. “The B1 will arrive in 20 seconds.” “10 seconds.” Oh, we were so embarrassed for the poor announcer. Many of us shaking our heads. No plane. We knew what direction it was coming from. No plane. “10 seconds. Nine. Eight. Ladies and gentlemen. The B1 Bomber.” And then. It was there. Too fast. Too low. Too close. It staggered the crowd. It staggered us. I didn’t see anyone fall, but almost.

    Folks think that it’s illegal to go supersonic over civilian space. Well, I have read the law, and it’s not for military planes. But against military policy. So the B1 came in at mach .999. Too low. The mach transition is very unstable, very dangerous. Likely the best large jet pilot in the world was behind the stick.

    Then it spred its wings, and hit the airbrakes (the B1 can slow better than almost any other plane), showed us its underside, then went sideways to the ground (at about 100 feet altitude. No! No!). Showed us its top, then circled a few times and landed. Goodness.

  2. That is very cool Chris! Coolest thing that ever happen to me? I think as a wife and mother I am suppose to say “Oh I gave birth” or “I married the love of my life” blah blah blah, both very true but THE OMG COOLEST THING EVER!?

    Hands down it was being invited to dance on stage at a Rod Stewart concert in Knoxville back in 93(?) I have been a HUGE MEGA fan since I was 2 years old and I was so excited I was sure I was going to just pass out. BEST NIGHT EVER!

    Ok for the rest of you, what is the coolest thing that ever happen to you?

  3. Richard, it still works. Click up there where Jonco wrote “Here’s the link” to write a comment on the first BABBQ page. Or click this, it’s the same thing:

    Going directly to any of the 3 BABBQ pages won’t allow you to leave a comment. This trick might not last long as the cached web pages are updated. Not sure.

  4. I made it to rainy Florida. My flight actually was on time leaving St. Louis. I think this is the first time I’ve flown down here that after 10 minutes into the flight I never saw the ground unit maybe five minutes before we touched down. Heavy clouds across the southeastern U.S. It’s in the mid 60’s here and people are talking about how cold it is. It was 10 degrees when I left home this morning. It is supposed to get down into the 30’s here tomorrow night.

  5. Scott – Thanks. I did not follow instructions correctly the first time. Are you going to make it to the BABBQ?

  6. On a flight heading for Detroit, Jack was sitting reading the paper when he noticed the guy next to him.

    The guy was an emotional wreck — pale, hands shaking, quivering in fear.

    “What’s the matter?” Jack asked. “Afraid to fly?”

    “Not at all. I’ve been transferred to Detroit,” the guy said. “There’s crazy people there! They’ve got lots of shootings, gangs, race riots, drugs, poor public schools, and the highest crime rate in the country!”

    “I’ve lived in Detroit all my life,” Jack replied. “It’s not as bad as the media says. Find a nice home, go to work, mind your own business, enroll your kids in a nice private school. It’s as safe a place as anywhere in the world.”

    The guy relaxed and stopped shaking and said, “Oh, thank you. I’ve been worried to death. But if you live there and say it’s OK, I’ll take your word for it. What do you and your wife do there?”

    “Us?” said Jack. “Well, I’m a tail gunner on a Budweiser truck, and my wife volunteers in the north guard tower at our kid’s day care.”

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