24 thoughts on “Saturday Open Mic”

  1. We were supposed to get 3-5″ at first, then they changed it to 1-3″. We ended up with maybe a half inch because it didn’t get cold enough soon enough to turn the rain to snow. A non-event here, but at least it’s kind of pretty.

  2. Jonco, the first part of that sounds like why I stopped going to clubs. Supposed to get 3-5″ then 1-3″ wound up with 1/2″ sounds like the luck I used to have! (its a joke, People)

  3. I hear ya DJ – in NE Ohio as we speak. I broke down and had someone plow the drive instead of me shoveling, something I swore I’d never do. The time they are a-changing.

  4. Isiah, you can make it!! It will rollover till Sunday. Chick, you crack me right up. Lookin’ for 10 and findin’ 6. (canuck saying)
    Bright blue warm beautiful skies up here. No snow. (sorry DJ) 🙂

  5. O.K. I must have missed something. When did Jonco put the BABBQ on Saturday? I was thinking it was on Sunday…

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