I think that when an animal isn’t moving, it sometimes confuses them; as soon as it moves they will chase it.
It didn’t stay alive for long. http://www.biosphoto.com/consulter/Detail.asp?GalerieID=&ID=916790&ListeAnd=&ListeOr=&ListeNot=&MotRecherche=+Michel%20+Denis-Huot%20+impala&TypeRecherche=16&SPC=&OrderBySpecifique=
I love you food.
Mother cheetah: “Stop playing with your food!”
I think that when an animal isn’t moving, it sometimes confuses them; as soon as it moves they will chase it.
First thing I thought when I saw this; the cheetah is performing an exorcism. Am I alone in this?
It didn’t stay alive for long.