What is your hometown’s claim to fame?

Reddit asks the question.  Here are a few answers:

  • Bhopal, MP, India – The worst industrial disaster of all time
  • Chelmsford, UK – The word boring was invented to describe this town by Charles Dickens.
  • London, we tell the rest of the world what time it is 😀
  • Well my home town is Nokia, Finland..  Call me!
  • My hometown will one day be know as the home of the greatest American novelist. or most likely not. but i did write two chapters tonight.
  • Liverpool. Probably best known for 80’s band The Flock of Seagulls.
  • Sheboygan has the tallest flagpole in the United States. Suck on that, peons.
  • Kitchener ON, – Used to be known as New Berlin… till WW2 when we changed it so people wouldn’t think we were Nazi sympathizers.
  • Dayton, Ohio. Invented the freaking airplane.
  • Bristol, UK … Pirates
  • Seattle, Washington, USA – Starbucks, Amazon, Boeing, RealNetworks, grunge, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Jimi Hendrix, Sub Pop, Death Cab For Cutie, and the Space Needle.
  • my home town is famous for it’s extreme ability to not be famous at all
  • Glasgow Scotland: You are statistically more likely to be stabbed here than anywhere else in Europe, but you’re welcome to visit any time. Really. Especially if I hate you. Oh, and I previously lived in the town home to the man who discovered penicillin.
  • Currently living in Louisville, KY. Kentucky gags aside, this is where Hand Surgery was invented and perfected, Thomas Edison first publicly displayed and installed the Electric Light bulb here, some horse race shuts down the city in the spring and Louisville Sluggers are still made here. Just outside of town is enough bourbon to make Reddit a bit tipsy and although I do not drink, the tours are fascinating.
  • Stratford-upon-avon – Shakespeare was born there.
  • Norwich, Norfolk, UK – home of Colman’s Mustard.
  • My hometown (Jackson, Michigan) is the birthplace of the Republican party. We’re sorry.
  • Rotterdam, the Netherlands has the largest port of Europe and, until 2004, was the busiest port worldwide.
  • Manistee, MI. .. The world’s tallest man, Robert Wadlow, died here after walking in a parade.  [Editors note:  Wadlow is from Alton IL (near St. Louis)
  • Pittsburgh – Steel & Sports. That’s it.
  • Dublin, Ohio is also the home of Wendy’s.
  • Aurora IL is where Wayne and Garth call home in Wayne’s World.
  • LeRoy NY – Birthplace of JELLO.
  • Kansas City, MO- home of the best barbecue and the worst professional sports teams on the face of the earth.
  • Allentown, PA … Billy Joel wrote a song about it…well, he actually wrote the song about Bethlehem, PA…but Allentown is rhymier…

What is your hometown’s claim to fame?

61 thoughts on “What is your hometown’s claim to fame?”

  1. Andychrist: don’t forget Baylor U, the Texas Ranger Museum and the infamous Mt. Carmel incident.
    Ours is of course Ft. Hood, the largest military base. Oh, and the afore mentioned thing.
    I doubt you know me, I keep a low profile. I know alot of people here, but just the locals, do you come to our neck of the woods?


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