Question for the creator of the image: Have you ever actually USED a Mac? Hmmm. Didn’t think so.
Even as I listen to my Ipod on my Imac, I found that hilarious
I’ve used macs enough to understand this image. Hilarious.
Used a Mac plenty of times back in the 90’s and it wasn’t any better than a PC. Do they still take the General Protection Faults and call them “Bombs”? I recall 4 to 5 bombs per evening of use of a Mac in college.
This is totally uncalled for.
Question for the creator of the image: Have you ever actually USED a Mac? Hmmm. Didn’t think so.
Even as I listen to my Ipod on my Imac, I found that hilarious
I’ve used macs enough to understand this image. Hilarious.
Used a Mac plenty of times back in the 90’s and it wasn’t any better than a PC. Do they still take the General Protection Faults and call them “Bombs”? I recall 4 to 5 bombs per evening of use of a Mac in college.