Just so you know, if you like this, you should go to the home website, XKCD.com A lot of the humor is in the ‘mouse over text’ (text you get if you hold you mouse over the comic), and you always lose that if you link to the picture. For example, this one says “Sci-fi movies use energy guns because people who watch it like me always get distracted counting bullets.”
Harry is a gonner
Just so you know, if you like this, you should go to the home website, XKCD.com A lot of the humor is in the ‘mouse over text’ (text you get if you hold you mouse over the comic), and you always lose that if you link to the picture. For example, this one says “Sci-fi movies use energy guns because people who watch it like me always get distracted counting bullets.”
Kick him in the face! Kick him in face!