9 thoughts on “Are you ready for some football?”

  1. Yeah,well, at least the NFL isn’t like that sissy soccer game, you know, where they play for 90 minutes, and if it’s the playoffs or whatever they call it, they play for another 30 if the score is tied. Oh, I almost forgot, they actually add a few minutes at the end of each half for something called “injury time”. And in soccer, unlike the NFL, you don’t see 6 feet 5 inch tall players with bellies the size of Santa Claus huffing an puffing up and down the pitch.

  2. This is misleading.

    The game is more than just the time between the hike and the whistle blowing a play dead. The game is the coaches analyzing the game. The game is Favre surveying the defense and calling out the guys who are blitzing. The game is substituting the correct guys to run the correct plays. The game is the defense analyzing how the offense is lined up and lining up in the appropriate way to take away as many plays as possible even before the snap. And so on and so forth.

    This is complete bunk. This is like saying that politics is nothing more than just the first Tuesday in November and totally discounting the two previous years of all the political maneuvering to gain an advantage real or perceived over the opponent. Sure, all the really matters is what happens on that Tuesday, but all that other stuff is significantly important to how people vote on that Tuesday.

  3. I don’t understand – what are they calling “actual playing time”? I mean, they say 10 minutes per game, and I get that there’s replays and commercials and “fat guys waddling onto the field” but what happened to the other 50 minutes on the clock?

  4. A quarter is 15 minutes. Clock starts on the snap. After most plays, the clock keeps running, and they have 40 free seconds between plays (a lot of times runs all the way down). So, one play could take up almost a full minute, even though they only ran for like 5 seconds.

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