B&P readers around the world – Update

I finally got around to going over the B&P reader survey that was posted in late December. I think I have it finalized here.   Below are the final counts:

46 states in the U.S. are represented.  Only Delaware, New Mexico, Rhode Island and Wyoming were not accounted for.

66 different countries have checked in.  There are thousands of other readers who just didn’t take the time to reply.  Thanks to all who participated.

Also note that the average B&P reader is 37 years old. 


54 thoughts on “B&P readers around the world – Update”

  1. 37? Geesh, I’ve got to know how you determined the average age. I don’t remember supplying that info. Of course, there is a lot of things I don’t remember…

  2. Like Carter, I am also above average!

    Jonco, are you going to use this info to find a central location for the Big Ass BBQ?

  3. There are thousands of other readers who just didn’t take the time to reply. Thanks to all who participated.

    —im one of them hehe… Philippines

  4. Greetings from Portugal. My name is Paulo and i?m writing from the city of Lisbon, the capital. I visit this blog almost everyday and talk about it with my friends. English and other languages are broadly spoken because the little size of our land and because of the massive turism caused by our fine weather and beaches (and low prices as well). Keep the good work!!

  5. I didn’t respond because there was too much information there that would allow someone to find you…. πŸ™‚

  6. My state is the 7th largest in the US… 12,000,000 people. And it looks like 11,999,994 haven’t found B&P yet. πŸ™
    There’s room for growth here fer shur. Guess I gotta wear my B&P shirt more often…

  7. Well, DJ, that’s not a bad number when you consider B&P is from St. Louis and only 12 in-state MO friends admit they visit the site… I’ll bet there will be more MO readers after the BABBQ!

  8. wow…California sure is easily amused. i bet 10 or more of that California count is my friends and i.

  9. sorry I read everyday and check often for new things a bunch of times a day. So you do have New Mexico from me also I am not a reg. user though guess I should do that. Anyway Greeting from Espanola New Mexico

  10. Adelaide, Australia
    less than 3 people πŸ™ time to get friends on this site and only 19 years of age here

  11. Sorry I didn’t see it in time – I was on the road for the last month or so. I read regularly from Shenzhen, China!

  12. Proud to be the only one from Palau. Our total population including non-citizens is around 21,000. Very small island.

  13. Well… from Dominican Republic there are a few more geeks who check this blog, not just only me and my coworker next to me… πŸ˜›

    Does the google reader stuff apply to this?

  14. I don’t know if you can count it, but my in-laws read B&P regularly from Wyoming, but their internet skills stop at URLs and Google searches, so they never comment or remark on blogs, except to me — “oh, I saw that, it was funny”

    Well, until they read this and call me all upset that I said that. But, anyway, you do have readers in the least populated state!

  15. and how did you get this info?
    Me and my friend, are guessing, because if it’s by IP adress, this info is wrong…
    There are only two of us in MΓ©xico…..

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